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Gaming masochism


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Does anyone else find FL to be gaming masochism? I've been playing off and on for about 8 years now. I'll play 1-3 months, quit, come back 6 months-2 years later. It's hard to pinpoint why I keep coming back. The Imms (even though there seems to be a major change to the staff by each time I return) are supportive and innovative, and you can find great RPer's here and there. Despite that, I feel like I want to quit again.

As a successful 1.0 Vet, I feel like I can come back and reclaim glory at some point, but I never can. The game has gotten much more difficult, and I can't seem to adapt. I get killed over and over and over again. Hell, lately I'll log on with the idea "Well, might as well play until I die." I think overall the playerbase has just gotten much smarter, and I have not. People seem to be permanently prep'd, while I am continuously caught unprepared. Of course I know the obvious answer to this problem: keep yourself prepared! Ugh.

Did not really want to complain, just vent my frustration with a game I truly love. It's hard to keep coming back to something in which I seemingly can find 0 success. Inevitably, I'll log on again tomorrow. Heh.

Anyone else feel this way?

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Absolutely. I've been that way ever since I started. I've always sucked at PK, hardly ever been able to take a character to 50 (let alone keep it for more than a few months). I take frequent breaks from the game, and come back whenever I get inspiration for a new, fun-sounding idea. I then play it out until I get either bored, or frustrated by my lack of skill.

But I still keep playing. Year after year I find myself coming back.

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You are a good dude. Havent ever heard you with an attitude, even when youve had a rough day.

You Sir... are good for this game.

And yes, I do the same thing. I never prep appropriately, mostly because I dont want to run around and collect the consumables I need, and when i do , I dont want to use them because I dont want to do it again!

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I have about 6-7 mates that all play, and that have been playing the last 7-8 years. Seems that if we all stop playing that a few months later one starts playing talking up his character it starts a chain reaction of everyone wanting to play again, then we play that one character out, quit and it starts all over.

I think there is about 5 of us active at the moment the other 2 just talk about how small the pbase is. In PK i just find being fully prepared all the time for any kind of attack, and if your not prepared run like ****, prepare get ready, then come back and fight, it's soo easy to lose people in the game.

IMO if you die, lose a fight, or full looted, if your not pissed off or angry then keep playing like I usually do, but if you die and are looted and it really messed with you, log, quit, leave the computer do something else, savage your girlfriend, get your mind off it, then come back a few hours later and you'll be ready again for that sweet, sexual, friendly, comfy, brilliant gmud :)

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If you wanna get the swing of things it all depends on the class you pick.

I tend to think of myself as a pro at this game, perhaps not a Vet since I come and go jsut as much as anyone but it takes me a long time to get the swing of things again. But I know alot, especially about mechanics.

If you want pk and all around hardcore action, I would say Combat Feral Cleric. Their blessings + holy hands + Div Int is very nice with ferals, and proboly fire giants aswell.

Ogre ranger/warrior- Good for soloing areas, a little pk if you can catch someone off guard.

Honestly though you might want to try a paladin, human or elf. Preferebly human if you haven't played a paladin.

I never played a druid nor do I know very much about them, but from what I've been hearing recently they might be the way to go, I even thought of rolling one.

Drow dk looks fun with the new religion.

Feral ninja proboly has the best odds as assasinating, plus make good melee ninjas if you can avoid fire.

Elf cleric- man I have messed up some people with one of these, very easy to play, escape, pk if you can chase.

Also, a battlemage. I never tried one of these but they are on my list of next class to roll.

Faerie thief- C'mon autosneak auto flight 25 int auto steal mastery and they can't be faerie fired or fogged?

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Play a Dwarven Cleric Softcore.

You can be preapared most of the time, with little down time on deaths, and the Dwarf race means you need less eq than a Elf.

Want evil go Duergar.

Even a Human cleric can do wonders.

Stay away from Battlemages, Zerks, DK's and other very hard classes.

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I don't know what you're talking about. :o

NPC_death is a really good friend of mine, in fact me him and Meleecrazy grew up together. I just wanted to help him out since me and him have never really played this game at the same time.

Is that a decent elaboration?

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NPC_death is a really good friend of mine, in fact me him and Meleecrazy grew up together. I just wanted to help him out since me and him have never really played this game at the same time.

Is that a decent elaboration?

Original post in reference to Gaming Masochism topic. And why would I listen to Mya or Dale?

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Keep a couple things in mind for ye old 1.0 vets:

1. Game favors melee currently.

2. Great PKers all learned to PK with high damage output classes (zerk, DK, giant warrior etc). If you haven't caught back on, start there. Even a vet can drop if you catch a lucky couple rounds.

3. Explore. I have been amazed at the places some people are hiding from me pretty hurt. My inexperience is allowing them to gain the majority of their health back BEFORE I find them. Tough to kill anythign when you let that happen.

Do not play a cleric. If you want to stay alive, by all means go that route, but killing as a cleric will take a long battle. Long is bad for someone having a hard time dropping people. I also would not suggest shaman or invoker.

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