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[50 Drow Sha] <PK> [SYNDICATE] Valderon the Holy Shaman


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| Valderon || Stalker of SYNDICATE |
| Str: 15(18) || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 1017(107h) |
| Int: 24(24) || Class: shaman Ethos: neutral |
| Wis: 20(20) || Race : drow Align: evil |
| Dex: 24(24)^6 || Hp : 817/817 Exp : 21083/570917 |
| Con: 16(14) || Mana : 1098/1154 |
\ Lck: [||||--] \/ Move : 425/425 +Hit: 12 +Dam: 13 /
| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Zhokril |
| Slash : -387 || Spell : -19 || Faith : Mystic |
| Pierce: -410 || Afflictive : -70 || Weight: 239/325 |
| Blunt : -396 || Maledictive: -22 || Items : 34/41 |
| Magic : -374 || Mental : -36 || Prac : 7 Train: 0 |
| || || Gold : 9050 CP: 1.7k |
/ Condition: You are in the prime of your health. \
| 5 more hours must pass before a cabal promotion. |
| You are drunk. |

My first syndicate.

Few words about the character... I made it basicly because I wanted to see syndi's skills and because I've heard that shamans are a good character for the cabal. No real background or RP line. I thought that wouldn't be a problem and it would come with time. It didin't though. Even though we had some nice RP sessions with Kurvikhel and Kaylia, I felt like a true amateur among them. And not just that. From my last character, it seems like I've gotten used to meles and I've forgotten how to play what used to be my most favourite class. Surviving was piece of cake. Chasing and finishing though was a problem. This is perhaps going to be my last shaman as well.

Some shout outs:

The syndicates:

Kurvikhel, Kaylia, Philantees you are all great. Koortu you have a very interesting RP :)

The dark knights:

Maskant and Mephisoleer, I had a lot of fun fighting you two. With Mephisoleer though, it was more like running around trying to exhaust you due to my limited selection of spells.

The warmasters:

Scholin and Hlecla, you two are ubelievably classy. My english is not good enough to describe my feelings, will just add that if I ever have a monk I wanna be like you :P


Every time I talk to you, you have me cracking up behind the monitor dude. That time though, when we were sitting in the same room talking like old friends which we weren't, then I see - "Kendriks says, "c ice", that absolutely made me fall of the chair :)

Few words about my last battle with Hlecla - I logged to get rid of the rares I was holding when I saw Onalraer who had a bounty. We chased around a bit with him then you put that deathmark (which was understandable due to our previous tackles) on me and then Kurvikhel entered so I decided to play around with you. The battle with you was as usual, long, drown out, going back and forth between me and you having the upper hand. That time when we were fighting in the ford, when I had some spells on you and you entered your cabal, I though you would take a nap in it. You didn't though. You went in, you cured and went back, even though you were exhausted and at low health. When you fled to the keep, I though I had you. I was wrong though. What you did was quite wreckless. I could almost bet that in the end you didn't have more than 10 HP. Very well fought. There are some battles in which, even when you fall, you have a HUGE grin on your face. That was such a battle. That was absolutely enjoyable death. What surprised me even more, was that you took only 3-4 items. I must admit, that if I was on your place I would have looted. I was quite well dressed and you can easily see that from the score sheet above.

Thank you all for the great time.

I currently have another project, which unlike this one has a strong RP and storyline behind it and I find quite fun playing, so watch out, I will be kicking your asses in no time ;)

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Wow, all you people have so few hours. Yeah, never make a character without any even basic RP. I like my current character. I started out with some basic RP, and its developed and formed itself over time. Has actually worked out quite fun to play.

Anyway, one less syndi to worry about. Good luck on the next one.

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I agree with Totenkopf! This character was much too short. You should have kept playing for another 100 or 200 hours to see how things would pan out. Half of my own RP doesn't start to take off until that amount of hours either and I think that is fairly normal. Also don't worry about how good you are at killing things, I feel that is only one of the ways to develop your RP and to have other kinds of meaningful interactions with other characters. Successful or not, it is the fight itself that really matters, not the outcome.

Anyways, I did like the character and still think you had potential had you wanted to continue it! Thanks for making him!

Good luck with your new one!

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Saw this one coming, when you killed my character. So many reasons to hate me/full loot me/slay me endlessly, yet you only collected the bounty and moved on. Was worried about Valderon ever since. I know the feeling though. I can get into evils for a short period, once I pinn them the RP becomes harder and harder to maintain, unless my rp is all around jerkoff. And yours was not. Good luck with the next.

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