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Gnome thieves

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I watch men bleed without malice,

I end life without remorse,

Curdled blood is my palace,

A maggot, my horse.

To pleas of help I am deaf,

To the wounded I'm blind.

All forsaken, -I- have left.

To the good, I never mind.

Chew on that, Rev.

lol this coming from the dang avianthief that stole my mino zerkers rod of time while hiding in a tree behind a cabal pet that was much higher lvl and much stronger than me... we all get out witted at times, as much as it pained me to say it you did out wit me in that situation.

Even the best have bad days, i've seen you kill 5 guys in a row with no rest between kills with a certain guy.

Find a way to deal with the thief, or well, avoid him. When Emertis couldn't kill people he would find people that could and make bonds with them and make deals to see the deed done.

1) you not quitting, i know this because you've been just as upset or more upset in the past about things and your still here, so man up nancy boy you're not going anywhere.

2) their neutral, so unless you gave a GNOME a reason to kill you, you will probably just end up losing a few pieces that are JUST GEAR. I think those where your words, or was it "real men can kill in mithril." i forget, either way its just gear.

3) take your own advice, log off play another toon maybe chill out. Then put on your finger armor and get back to mudding nancy boy.

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More posts to follow.


I will be making a gnome thief.


You will all be sorry.

Fun Fact..

I will be letting one of you name him. Only if you respond to this post in the next few minutes.


I have work in 4 hours but will rank a gnome thief to 50 in that time if you name him.


I will be calling out of work tomorrow.


You will be sorry that you made this post.


What is sarcasm?



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And guard their corpse so they can't be ressurected. *sigh* I miss the days when you could just butcher/swallow a corpse to prevent ressurections.

It's not like getting resurrected from a pdeath really does all that much anymore anyways...

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True' date=' but it's the [i']principal of the matter lad..

I agree, and I have always fully supported people who stick around to make sure that their victim actually stays dead - kill them again after each resurrection if necessary.

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