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putting tells in emotes and the like


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Hah. A mere sentence eliminates 75% of my argument. You may rest your case, Warpnow. I completely didn't think about that... :D

The other 25% is on being able to talk when silenced, I still think that's a problem. Silence removes your ability to speak, so if you are silenced, and able to speak by using smotes when you shouldn't be able to speak as an affect of the spell, I think that something is wrong.


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Emote, pmote, and smote abuse has been illegal forever. Just like it's illegal to type "emote rides south." to make someone think you went south, I'm willing to bet that any IMM seeing a player abusing e/p/smote talking to tell things to sleeping players or the like will give that person, at the very least, a stern talking to. Most likely a slay. That's what I'd give, anyways.

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