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[KNIGHT] Sir Rigantes the Cornerstone


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| Rigantes || Praetorian of PRAETORIAN |
| Str: 18(18)^8 || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 344(335h) |
| Int: 25(25) || Class: paladin Ethos: chaotic |
| Wis: 20(20) || Race : elf Align: good |
| Dex: 23(22) || Hp : 772/772 Exp : 85068/610532 |
| Con: xx(xx) || Mana : 912/917 |
\ Lck: [|||||-] \/ Move : 418/418 +Hit: 41 +Dam: 40 /
| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Irumeru |
| Slash : -297 || Spell : -4 || Faith : Purity |
| Pierce: -282 || Afflictive : -21 || Weight: 303/325 |
| Blunt : -282 || Maledictive: -13 || Items : 35/39 |
| Magic : -173 || Mental : -20 || Prac : 16 Train: 0 |
| || || Gold : 8046 CP: 889 |
/ Condition: Broken heart. What a pansy! \
| You are ready for a cabal promotion. |
| [KNIGHT] forces are aiding your healing. |

You have mastered the following:
1. armor
2. bless
3. create food
4. cure blindness
5. cure critical
6. cure disease
7. cure poison
8. cure serious
9. detect invis
10. flamestrike
11. holy word
12. protection
13. sanctuary
14. summon
15. mace
16. polearm
17. shield block
18. sword
19. dodge
20. enhanced damage
21. hand to hand
22. parry
23. second attack
24. third attack
25. fast healing
26. meditation
27. recall
28. wrath
29. turn undead
30. cabalstuff
31. cabalstuff
32. dual wield
33. trance
34. shield disarm
35. charge
36. staff
37. heroism
38. virtuous light
39. two handed
40. mounted
41. goliath
42. cabalstuff

This feels both premature and overdue at the same time. The character went through various stages of development at a fairly rapid rate.

The beginnings in particular were pleasantly hectic, providing me with intense action around the clock. Toward the very end, the character was mostly focused on a certain tangent - which had no happy endings I think - that, perhaps, wasn't very visible. At the time, he spent the majority of his time being simultaniously frustrated, incoherently talkative and daydreamy. Admittedly, I regret not going further with it. My reasoning to 'end' the character is perhaps a bit arbitrary, while also RP-wise one of the three ways Rigantes could go about it (well, also the least ideal of them from a player perspective).

Specific tips of the hat go to:


Jacobis - I loved the title. Thank you!

Patreus - a titan. An admirably well played character, both pvp and rp wise.

Jacobis says 'Dark storms appear on the horizon.'

Patreus speaks in a hoarse voice, 'Then lets build a few kites.'

Solec - I'm still bummed that I had to go pick up the damn car. :(

Thaalken - you da man.

Lianthias, Salith - rock on.


Kaylia -

Pildo - God, you were painful. A superbly played character, with great interactions that you were willing to engage in even mid-combat. I hope to see this gnome go far. Everyone should have one of these in their night stands!

Scorvale - I COUNTED THREE! I should use a bit more highlights. :D

Masokant - You, sir, win the citizenship papers of Finland.

Kiropterynt - You were absolutely awesome! I had a "wow" moment when you logged onto 3-4 Knights, then proceeded to go for our Standard - alone.

Daegondar - Much like Kiropterynt, you had nothing but courage to show.

Kurvikhel - Ouch.

Jevhril - I hope the best for this character.

Kraximet - I wanted to see more!

Ryxulin - a great buddy =)

Everyone who rolled a goodie! - Thank you! You guys were godgiven.

Rock of Eternal Sea - This was, despite the best of intentions, a bit of a jerk move from me. I loathe to be a waste of anyone's time - though I "ended" the character at a time it was least likely to be such a case. I could elaborate fairly expansively, but I feel it more prudent not to do so at this time. Sincere thanks for the opportunity of interaction. :)

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Aw man! Pretty much the only other Knight that playeed during my time zone! :(

Mad props, liked what we had going when I was still around.

By the way, could an Imm explian his title? Why the Cornerstone?

Cornerstone I would gather because he was the only Knight around OFTEN. Thusly, as the cornerstone, if he were to fall all of Knight would fall. It's a pretty ****in big honor to be called that IMO.

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What ever happened to Vellien. Certainly fizzled off.

Got bored. RP was stale, was just playing a combo I knew I could do well with because I couldn't figure something else to do. Decked with a perfect record at 45, deleted.

Kurv and Masokant being around every time I logged on didn't help either. ;)

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Im rather pissed off, he was a quality character with a huge set of nads and thought you would have taken him the whole way. I guess you have your reasons, but im gutted all the same. Well done on a great great character, roll up another good. Good luck.

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I personally thought you were annoying, I could never kill you, and it bothered me sometimes I would be beating on you, you flee and seem to come back ten times stronger, maybe you were good, could have been great... Premature indeed..

You beat on me alot though!

I hate your soul.

haha, sorry dale, could'nt find the qoute, still new at this..

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