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Short Break

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I'd like to thank the IMMs for giving me a chance on the undead quest with Tanagh, that was my first ever attempt for a qrace. Unfortunately, I got heavily discouraged while trying to complete it, I just don't think I know enough about the game to do the quest effectively. I lost 3 conpoints trying to figure it out, if that's an idea.

I'd like to single out and thank Malchaeius for our interaction in Emerald, though I never did get a direct response from you after my answer.

I'd also like to thank the people who were willing to point me in the right direction in-game (people, it's true, if you ask around somebody will be willing to teach you). So thank you Philantees, Warloh, and Mephisoleer. I learned a few things from each of you and had some new ideas put in my head about how to approach stuff.

Also, to everyone who may think you need to PK actively for your qrace app...I approved for mine with 2 PKs, one in defense and one from a contract I made with another character (done before I submitted my app even I think). I also had 7 deaths when approved due to my own stupidity in several situations. So you obviously don't have to be perfect, or even proven in PK to get approved.

As to the title, I am taking a short break. Playing this character has left me mentally exhausted as I've been wracking my brains for several days now about the quest. So, I'll be back in a week or so, I even have something new in mind already.

See you guys in the fray.

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As I said before, mob deaths do not really interest anyone ;)

Don't die in pk, kill a few times effectively ("un-trashy") and you're usually set. Nobody wants to see a rank 30 with 30 kills... :eek:

Everyone wants to see a qclass applicant with stellar rp though :)

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DO IT AGAIN! I failed the undead quest my second time....I was ROYALLY pissed! Calmed down, thought about WHAT the quest was measuring me up for and nailed the thing a month later. Deleted the month after that....

Oh, and the first time my app was approved for an undead dk, I was so inexperienced I couldn't do the first part...I was so frustrated I had about thirty of my bodies piled up at the Val Miran pit...:D And got myself temporarily denied for being flippant with an IMM. :eek:

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Hey, at least you tried! Just because that char did not get undead doesn't mean you shouldn't keep them either. Sometimes you do get second chances, especially if you prove yourself worthy, of course that happened in 1.0 and I don't mean re-send an app, just be active and if you catch the attention of the Imm's...well, who knows what could happen.

I understand your frustration...I was doing the very same quest, I knew everything I was suppose to do, got to the very last part...and BAM...dis connected from the internet! Wasn't able to get back on till a few hours later... Upsetting...to say the least...

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Guest emp_newb

Yea, the first time I tried for undead I failed the quest (because I answered something wrong) with a human cleric. I ended up doing moderately well, but was still a bit new to casters, and senrail was a warmaster so.............

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Either way' date=' I'll be back in a bit, with a new character. I'll try for undead again some other time.[/quote']

NO! You will join the Undead Horde and Legion! I COMMAND THEE! Cast aside they torrid flesh! Don't be on of those air suckers! Flesh bags! WE ARE BETTER THAN THEM!

Mwahahahahahaha! :P

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rp'ing a crazy human can get tiresome lol.

Nothing says you need to be a crazy human to be a demon. You just need to be a little twisted, maybe malicious and truly evil. You don't need to be crazy. When Aeaola was demonized she wasn't really crazy.

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