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My Brothers and Sisters of Aabahran...


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The topic of today's sermon: Compassion.

<400hp 1000m 750mv> look

The Church of Aabahran

Cobwebs hang in every corner and nook of this large wooden structure. Half of the painted glass windows are smashed out and allow the wind to gust through, flickering the many candles and torches hanging on the walls. Though the flames touch the wood they never leave a mark. A moth eaten red carpet is mildewing and covered in moss runs up a long aisle with ten warped and broken pews littering both sides of it. The carpet leads to an onyx dais with half-melted and broken candles sheathed in gold. Few of these candles are lit and their flames flicker across a black leather book. A steel coffin with a snarling skull leans against the wall behind the dais. The garnet eyes of the skull sparkle softly as rain drips over them from the holes in the roof above.

Reverend Valek is here standing before a stained altar.

Reverend Valek says, "Isadora 13:26: "Lo and behold! We are all brethren, but all different. To be the same is to be boring. To be boring is to be stale. And to be stale is to die."

Reverend Valek leans over the dais.

"My brothers and sisters, we are each different. To be anything less would make us dull. But we should each embrace, even if it's secretly, this difference. Our clash of personalities gives spice to the very existence of these forums and this mud. It is where new ideas arise from. We practically FEED off each other!

Now, the Reverend didn't say we had to love each other. There are some people I'd LOVE to take to the whippin' shed! But such is not my place. I leave that up to the Gods above. For it is they, in their divine wisdom, that hold peace over these hallowed grounds. They who help us stick together like the great ball of fire that we are. Can I get an amen?

But hate...is such an ugly word. Hate is a level of emotion reserved for zealots and fanatics when used towards another person. Hate is an enabler for killing. Let me tell you a little story.

The Reverend, he has only enough friends to count on one hand in real life. Why? Because he has a temper and this "hate" has caused him to spout off and run his mouth and make him feel like he's divinely right. His Righteous Fury he calls it. Well, the Reverend's an idiot. The only way he justifies these things currently is because he doesn't have time for friends anyways, so they're better off without him. And he has too much pride to apologize.

Pride can be a good thing. It instills us with a sense of worth. Too much pride can make us seem like pricks.

But enough with all this negativity! THIS is not what we're here for! MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS! We are here for COMPASSION! Can you look to your left and to your right at your fellow Aabahranian and see what they're worth? Don't just see them as PK fodder, Tea Time RPers, Silent PKers.....see them for who they are. Each and every one of them brings something to this place. Each and every one of you are special.

The Reverend's beggin' ya! He's on his knees! He's a prayin' to Virigoth! Right here in the House that Virigoth built! Embrace your brothers and sisters! Forgive them whatever wrongs you think they have done! For it is not our place to judge each other!

I love each and every one of you. SHOW ME THE COMPASSION! AMEN!"

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Emote silently arrives, late, through the doors and begins making his way towards one of the empty pews, "Oh, sorry Mya."

Mya mutters as she sees her pumas have a scuff mark.

smote With a series of loud squeaks from the wooden pew, Mudder takes his place and prays with the Reverend, "Amen!"

emote looks over and gets a quick glance at Mya as he mumbles to himself, "Lookin' good."

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