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I did it


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I have deleted every single one of my characters. Lately, I haven't been putting enough effort into my chars, especially when it comes to RP.

Now, I will concentrate on one char. Any suggestions on what to make? I have a few races/classes I really want to try:

Ranger: Never played one. If only there weren't so many of them...

Evil cleric: Never played one past 30. Many of them as well, grrr.

Shaman: I really really want to play a shaman, and I will someday. But perhaps not now, we'll see. I know they would suit my playingstyle perfectly when it comes to PK.

Dark-knight: I would also like to give the dark-knight class another go, now that I'm more experienced.

Lich-wannabe: Having a lich would almost be cooler than having a vampire.

What do you think?

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Vaqillion's deleted?


I would try a ranger from what I saw with Vaqillion. Strong char, but you were so dependent on pets and they were so hard for you to get good ones of, I noticed you without them alot.

Rangers have pets, but aren't reliant on them.

They're very strong, with some safeties to fall back on.

They're tough, yet more survivable than other melees.

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Wow. Actually, I was quite impressed with your chasing ability. Somehow, over this many years, mine hasn't improved too greatly. But facing your recent chars, your speed impressed me.

I'd recommend going with a high damage class, just cause you seem able to chase well enough and get first attack. Invoker? (although not on the list). Cleric is stable, and I think you'd do well depending on the race/combo you decide upon.

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