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I enjoyed playing him to the point of being abused in game and out of game for his approval of psion and his promotion. To answer the redundant questions I've been asked in game, on the forum, or through private messages :

I am not a Vet, Staff Member, or anything of the like.

I was not passed to level 50 by immortals.

I am not a native English speaker, and I apologize for my typos and grammar.

Klemkin was several months old, and was not just made as a psion.

I worked very hard on PK and RP, and learnt as I went. Both are hard for me.

I am not "butt buddies" with Gradrel, as one individual put it.

For those of you who said my RP was not on par, please understand that I have tried with that character. It is disappointing to me that you think so. If for some reason you feel you had been given the cold shoulder, I do regret it.

The individuals who are angry with not being promoted or given what they want fast enough, I will give you the recipe I followed :

Ask questions.

I have asked more questions from my Immortal, my enemies Immortal, and my enemies than I think they could tolerate. Not demands, but questions on how to have an improve or move on to achieve my goal. Kurvikhel and Masokant told me exactly how to do respectively well in fights against them, and I just followed their directions. Anume taught me how to raid her cities. Gradrel went as far as to offer me close personal attention on how to put together RP.

I am really disappointed. I am disappointed that I deleted based on others opinions on me, but I need to like the people I play games with. I am disappointed that as a newer playing doing well, some individuals could not just congratulate me because it has been a very uphill struggle. I am disappointed that this is not the first time this has happened here with players engaging in this type of behavior. I am disappointed to think that it will not be the last time that an outsider to this community is treated this way.

Lythelorin - I was very pleased that you were able to take those armors. I did not delete because of my death. I decided on the second thread assaulting me on this forum to leave on my next death. I just wish I could have recovered some of it for Nourn.

Korain and Lythoshosfihfoweihie the Healer in Tribunal - You two are obviously in the same situation I was in. Just take it slow, and try not to throw yourselves at people naked. It is only a matter of time until you learn to move fast enough to avoid the big guys. You are doing a great job, and have more patience than me.

Watchers - Some of us have had issues, but in general, thank you for teaching me and helping me progress. I am sorry if some of you felt I ignored you, or was given more attention.

Masokant - There isn't a player classier than you, I don't think. I think you were the only one to recognize that I am of newer and you took the time to walk me through my mistakes at the end of fights.

Kurvikhel - Ouch.

Anyways, I've decided to head back to the MMORPG of my choice. I was mainly just curious about some changes I took in an email from a friend. Please do not take this as a criticism, but just the perspective of an outsider. Take it or leave it, but I am sure that other fresh people reading the rubbish on this Forum might feel the same way or take it how I did.

This is a competitive game, but that is no reason to be mean.

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Klemkin, you are welcome to make a new character here at any point. It is amazing how well you did as a newer player, and you learned the lands faster than many do over several years. I know you are saying you deleted because of the community. However, many of us here feel the community is why we keep coming back to the game. Maybe you need to let yourself become part of the community before saying you dislike everyone that plays the game. My opinion, which I shared with you, is that you overplayed the character and got frustrated. You have alot of time to put towards gaming, and I would like to see you have a character that you play for fun a few hours a week, instead of a character that leaves a bad taste in your mouth after you devote two whole weeks of your real life to it. Best,

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Didn't interact with the char at all, but you have my sympathies for the way he's been treated. Unfortunately, some of our playerbase hasn't graduated from puberty yet - try not to let them get to you. Keep rocking out on a new char.

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This reminds me of when a certain vamp tribunal deleted and left because of forum whiners. Anyone remember that? I thought so. A sad day this is. I apologize on behalf of the community Klemkin, if you do decide to ever come back, you will continue to have my full support. I was really enjoying your character and what you were trying to do. And for being a new(er?) player, let me simply say you did really well for yourself.

It's really pathetic that anyone who has any measure of success in this game will be constantly targeted on the forums. Look at poor Kurv. I swear someone could make a uncabaled gnome warrior, start doing really well with it, and pretty soon he would start getting trashed on the forums by some people.

To those who caused this: I can only hope you grow up someday, and become half the human/player Klemkin is. For shame.


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I know you are saying you deleted because of the community. However' date=' many of us here feel the community is why we keep coming back to the game. Maybe you need to let yourself become part of the community before saying you dislike everyone that plays the game.[/quote']

I disagree. He didn't say he dislikes -everyone- just those who do the same things they complain about more or less. Which, to be honest, is the exact reason I stopped playing.

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Korain and Lythoshosfihfoweihie the Healer in Tribunal - You two are obviously in the same situation I was in. Just take it slow, and try not to throw yourselves at people naked. It is only a matter of time until you learn to move fast enough to avoid the big guys. You are doing a great job, and have more patience than me.

It got very uninteresting for me after you left... out of all the people at 50 i fought you were the only one who rp'd with me. I miss klemkin.

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God Klemkin was quick, I fought you many times and you always manage to get away you slippery little monkey.

You killed me several times, but I don't think a single word was said between us. I've been here on and off for 7-8 years and you managed to outdo me.

Maybe it was your class/combo, or maybe it was your ability to adapt to such a diffcult game to get your head around within a year.

****en bravo mate, remake something soon - loved Klemkin.

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There's a quote from the movie 'Men in Black' that I think is appropriate in this situation.

'A person is smart. But people are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals.'

The same is true of this forum. Most people individually are pretty decent and willing to help out, but sometimes as a 'forum persona' they can get all in an uproar about things.

I hope you will brush off your bad experiences and continue to play. There is still fun to be had.

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Wow. This makes me really sad indeed. Klemkin was played from a cool perspective, being stalker and your particular psi. People like you make this game very interesting for me. You played him very well. And to be honest, the first time I saw you, you were so pushy. I thought it was Iyorvin who had made another psi :P Much props.

PS. Your shiny blue aura was very easy to spot when fighting in Elium ;)

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Damn. We never got to finish our last fight which was rudely interupted by Kurv. Anyway, had some interesting fights with you. Refreshing to see what PSI's can actually do. And wow, if you are new damn you played that really well. PSI's are really hard to pull off, and from my perspective, I think you did a damn good job.

Mega props.


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Well this sucks. I was having a lot of fun going back and forth in our battles. As well as our small spout of RP at the end. I would never have guessed you were a newer player. Well played for sure.

I hope you come back. MMORPGs are lame and none of them even RP or if they do it's "Hey homie, I'm a black Orc from California. Woot woot!"

You'll want to come back for the real stuff.

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I think it's been said and said again. :) Maybe now the woes are all gone you might think about it and return. You're definitely an asset. ^_^ I was doing mybest to pick a fight with you and then when you wanted me I was legitimitely busy.... D: Sorry about that, and I looked forwardto seeing what the hype as. Do come back now, ya hear? ;)

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I've had a few convo's with Klemkin, and I liked him a lot.

It's funny that just before I read this post, I was commenting to a friend that most of the FL players are lame IRL. A lot are egotistical over the game, and even more are jealous, sore losers.

There are some good ones. Maybe try us again later. I would recommend making as few contacts outside of the game as possible as you seem to adapt well by using IG communication. Also, just browse the forum without making another profile.

This game is good, but a lot of the players suck. Keep one; kill the other.

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I did end up making a new character, and am glad to see a lot of what I complained about not exist.

I do hate to be one of these people I've read through who quit several times, and this post was my first time (though my second time on the prayer forum admittedly). Rain or shine, you will not been seeing on another post of this nature from me.

That being said, thank you to the seventeen people who sent me supportive messages as well as those who posted on this thread. It is very nice of you all to say such things.

My favorite was the three worded private message, "Toughen up, princess." It made me laugh.

Anyways, since I've decided to stay around, my pledge on you all is this :

1 - I will improve my RP, because it was complained about.

2 - I will not post another deletion thread.

3 - Full looting will not happen as much (another complaint.)

4 - Gradrel and I will cease our extra-marital affair. (sorry, man :( )

5 - Hopefully I will become a positive member of this forum community, which I missed out on with my last few characters.

6 - Other several things I've taken to heart from your PMs and messages I will try to improve on but probably shouldn't mention.

Thank you for inviting me back.

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I thought you had great RP. :)

Never saw any full looting but these are the general rules of thumb:

If you killed someone with ease, don't take all their things. Take what you need and move on.

If it was a tough fight but very respectable, take what you need and then a little extra to hamper them. Like take their weapons and consumables.

Someone was acting shady to you? They ganged? Etc, did things you highly disapprove of? Full loot.

Just never full loot for the sake of full looting. It ruins the fun for everyone. :)

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