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To be serious, I understand that there is not often a saint in a situation with sinners. If I point fingers at anyone, I need to acknowledge that I might have instigated some by my behavior. Many posts very candidly spoke of what I did wrong, and some pm's did as well. Correcting these issues with my behavior my give me more positive interaction making with other players.

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Yeah, you'd think I'd be a little better at being positive seeing as I just had to do some two day long course thing at work about controlling you brain and forming green and red frames (ooaoooaaah, freakin physiactrists), and internal and external locus of control (What a load of shizzle most of it was). Infact, I think its made me worse through utter frustration of the entire course.

I didn't consider my post a flame. Unncessary and a waste of space, certainly. As such, I have removed it.


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