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Yesterday (Important Notice)


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Ok so yesterday we officially broke an FL record for most willingly dropped characters in one day. I don't know about anyone else but this is very disturbing to me.

So in a calm and orderly fashion I would like to know WTF?!? happened? There has to be something easily fixed, but to have the most dropped characters since the pwipe is rediculous.

So what is the fix?

P.S. Yes Imms I understand that even if this is not flame bait it may end up as such so if necessary lock or delete away. I'm just hoping maybe we will get something to help this never happen again.

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I believe that the main problem here isn't the game, it's the players. We are stingy, jealous, angry people. When someone gets rewards and we don't it's because they used an IMM for a pogo stick. When someone gets a Qclass it's because they have no RP only PK and all the IMMs like is PK. When someone progresses too quickly in a guild it's because they're best buds with the IMMs or because the only thing that matters is PK.

When someone is on top or in the strongest guild they're active and talking more smack than Rick James but when their numbers dwindle and they don't outnumber the enemy cabal 3 to 1 they're suddenly logging off any time an opponent is active. They can full loot 20 people and if they get the same done and loose all those shinies it's because the other player is a dick.

If someone has been playing 10 years and does exceptionally well with a character it's either a) some skill is overpowered, B) equipment is overpowered, or c) cabal skills are overpowered. The worst part is most likely the people who are causing the largest problems here are the ones begging for new things to be introduced, complaining about not having newbies, or just talking about all the problems in the mud.

We as players need to get back to what this game was about, FUN. Have some competition, that's fine. But don't run a new players into the dirt just because he's progressing fast and learning the game quickly. This is primarily a RP mud, with PK. The reason I say that is because while RP is enforced, PK isn't. Stop worrying just about how much you can stomp someone or how much someone will stomp you and do something interresting. Make that evil when 3/4 of the playerbase is paladins, because it's fun. I love being on the smaller side of a battle, especially when you win.

If this post insulted you then most likely you're one of the ones that's causing problems, this isn't an insult towards a direct person but towards a genre of people.

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