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I <3 Lytholm


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I voted Zhokril simply because he's more likely to speak telepathically at some point than Lytholm, and people who communicate telepathically IG are scientifically proven to be 140% scarier. Especially if they're invis and you just see "[someone] blah blah blah".


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A big thank you to all of my supporters :-D

I'm sure it makes it that much easier for the Imm Staff to log on knowing there are people out there appreciate our work.

Keep up the good work.

Lytholm the Dark General, Eternal Vindicator of Combat

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My goodness, I can smell this from over there yet here I am stepping in it anyway. An observation; Read this thread entirely. What begins as mad props to the God of War, so easily and seamlessly transitions into something far less wholesome, and IMO borderline disrespectful.

<< Is glad Lytholm is back.

<< Is not interested in Anumes undergarments, its her mind that fascinates me.

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