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Thank you, Anume...


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You denied one of my Dchecks and asked that I request a Qrace. You know, I hadn't even thought of that, but having to create an app really made me flush out this character's past and goals for the future.

Thank you very much! I'm much more interested in her now.

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Yes, it happened to me as well with my slith something. I thought sliths look like nagas. So I described it as one. The next thing I get is a denied desc and a note that I should write an app for naga restring.

Then I thought.... hmmm... I don't want naga restring. So I read and read and googled, and I found that I have been living in decieve the whole time :P

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dcheck is a new feature that when you pray and you get no response after like 15mins or so. You can dcheck which sends your description to the immortals so when they come online they can see it and approve it or deny it. But you can ONLY do it once else you might get in trouble. For more info type help dcheck IG.

if any of this is not correct forgive me and please state the correct info.

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Guest emp_newb

Yea, never ask Anume to listen to you sing. Her ideas of singing are a bit closer to a cross between when animals attack, american idol, and McGuyver.

Painful as hell, full of dumb bystanders, and it always ends with you going how the ****.

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