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Crusader/Avatar hopefuls


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It is recommended that you be in-game this Sunday, at/around 9AM EST.

Due to the sheer number of applications I've recieved for these positions, and the limited LIMITED spots open, this will be decided in-game a tad differently.

Every app was good, every note was good, and the interactions I've had with you have been good. Made it a hard choice, and I felt I should take a bit longer to watch and decide.

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Seriously, 9amEST? That sucks. I mean for everyone not on the east coast that's super early, especially the 6am west coasters, and it's Sunday, which comes after Saturday, which means quite a few of us will be super hungover that early.

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How should the rest of us go ?

Dressed as evil chaotic mass murderer ?

Or as healer tea party?

(Speaking of the non application part.)

So we have a bunch of Paladins, perhaps some warrior kinds...

Perhaps i should rare dress a Cleric. :o

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i am definately not shelving my character as it is my main, but i had left home to go to a wedding in maryland and cannot find a way to connect. plus the wedding is on sunday. a big bummer because i have been waiting for this day for months and now that the opportunity comes i cannot play. sorry i cant make it jacobis but keep my character in your thoughts when you decide

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The latest I can start is about 11 am EST, if that better for people.

It will be a competition (but not telling exactly what). Since my new computers (yes, two) both went down when I tried to combine them, I've been MIA.

It should be fun, and I'm looking forward to people stepping up and bringing their A game. :)

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It would be best if everyone can be there at the same time, but I'll be on around 9 am for a few hours. I have to 'borrow' a comp, so bear with me if it doesn't look all that prepared (all my wonderful scripts I wrote for this event are on a felled comp). I'll try to work people in as they log on, but the window is 'only' a few hours.

See you in game.

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