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Deleted my character.

To those of you I had positive interactions with, thank you.

I'd really like to say some things, but out of respect to Anume and the effort she puts in, I'll hold my tongue and just say good bye again.

As I said, I'll skip the negatives I would LOVE to point out, and go into some positives:

Anume, as always you have been a great immortal, and the mud WOULD be at a loss if it were to ever find itself without you.

IN GAME changes in the last year have been intense, and if not all for the better. Whoever is coding, great job, and I love the general direction of the mud, as far as immortal staff goes. The titles and rewards are more plentiful, RP is being watched and encouraged more, and I just hope one day the playerbase starts to appreciate it.

With that said, later guys, as always, can chat me up on AIM as Festorvian


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Guest emp_newb

Oh damnit man. Give in to your roots. You know you want to play a drow death cleric for pandy.

Honestly though very sad to see you go, and sorry to hear you had such a **** time at pinn.

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  • Implementor

Thank you for a post here that nobody has to edit :D

I think Lytherolin was a very strong character, you were fast too, as usual.

Feel free to discuss any negative sides/ problems you perceived on the prayer forum. We can also have a chat in game if you have any chars left, just pm or note me.

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Yea, Yea, Yea

I hated your char as Gwomyth for the couple interactions we had, you were fast and annoying, make another something and be fast and annoying to someone else. Maybe one day I will be fast and annoying, till then see you in Aabarhan <==hope I spelled it right.

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