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Donski. That's all she wrote. I'm done too. Other then the constant gang banging, endless barrage of me getting my *** handed to me and awful rp reasons to justify everything, it's a fun game.

Lich is fun, but it's near impossible to get it into full swing at 50. Throw Tribunal into the mix? No dice. It would have been Bruuuutal if I got what I needed.

Anywho, I nearly deleted 3-4 times now, and today with a mixture of last night was all I could handle.

Thanks to Scorvale for talking me out of it those 3-4 times.

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I think you were a good character whilst you were around, but you cannot just go and -LICH SKILL- people and then expect them to not want a slice of revenge. I hope I wasn't a contributing factor to this. :(

Hope you come back with something, your previous efforts have been solid.


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  • Implementor

Think you put a lot of effort in but did not last long enough to firgure out all the details that would have given you more of an edge.

If you are really done, cabal leave + delete/ ask us for a denial. If you're taking a break, you're welcome to try again in a couple days.

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Guest emp_newb

Damn, that sucks man. You spent quite a while sitting at pinn waiting for this. I can understand being frustrated about it though. I believe you told me I gave you your only pinned pdeath as maerothir (in an in gamish sort of way) and I will be honest about it, I got LUCKY, had your sanc not dropped when I landed the sader skill, you probably could have dispel/seared me for a win. Damn man.

On a side note, do I smell a new loriss :) (I ****ing hope not as my current main is a damn savant)

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Expect no mercy from me.

Undeads are the sort of thing i strive for killing anyway i can, excluding ganging.

And as usual Lichs pack quite a powerful skillset.

If you cannot take the heat from playing a Tribunal, i suggest that you take a Vacation from Tribunal and learn the intricacies of your class. Then rejoin.

That being said, i only saw you once in the game. Quite Strange.

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I've always heard the undead have a very difficult path because people think they need to utilize methods they would not usually partake in. Playing a qclass/race in general really gives you some prime examples of confused opponents doing whatever they can to get the upper-hand, because you make them have nervousness.

Many people have told me that this sort of reaction is actually complimentary. If they didn't worry about you, then they would not be so brutal.

I would really contend that you did not ask the immortals/other undead for any help, though. You can bet that if you could see the prayer forum, you would read on several threads just asking, "What does this do..." or "Could you suggest...". Even worse, if you read all the notes in game, I would pity you. Klemkin didn't do well, but he did okay. This is with the least common Psion path that everyone told me was too weak to choose. I wouldn't have done okay, if not for Zhokril, Anume, Gradrel, Masokant, Kurvikel, and anyone else who I interacted with in a competitive way. If I had stuck with him, I would probably have learned even more about the class.

I guess what I am saying to you is that I make a lot of mistakes, and I would like you to not mimic my last one. There isn't any good reason to give delete to a character. If you don't like where he is, reinvent him. With a crusader running around as a dark knight now, and qclasses everywhere, and many other things I've seen or experienced, it is clear that anything can be changed.

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