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Barbarians is actually a derivation of the impression of the 'germans' (though at the time they were not germans, but that general area is what I speak of)...due to the strange language, and their [Romans] lack of understanding, it just sounded like jabber....often mimiced by calling them 'Bar Bars' because that is how their words sounded to them. Bar Bars eventually became Barbarians. There is the genesis of the word. I can give you a history on them as well, but yay for learning where the word comes from, right?

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Dictionary.com says:

1) Not aligned with, supporting, or favoring either side in a war, dispute, or contest.

2) Belonging to neither side in a controversy: on neutral ground.

3) Belonging to neither kind; not one thing or the other.

I'm not trying to call neutrals completely uncaring, but my point is, neutrals are unDEFINED. You cannot say that one person is more neutral than another. And I think Loriss' RP fit him being a Barbarian, Blademaster, Dwarf and neutral character, all at the same time.

Well played character.

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Eh no.

It was a discourse - a language construction - that was used to give the citizens the impressions that those barbarians 'out there' was EVIL and needed get killed and used as slaves.

Um... Greece and Rome were more about conquest and power than genocide. The "barbarians" were such because they lacked what the Greeks/Romans considered to be civilization. They were to be conquered, yes, but then taught. (Or, yes, used as slaves, but people didn't have to be evil to be slaves. They just were slaves.)

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"Barbarian" historically is a term applied to someone rather than a term used by someone. It's a term of derision, meaning lacking civilization from the perspective of the namer. There's no moral meaning to it really. IG it's appropriated for use by a group. If the behavior of that group corresponds to those labeled "barbarians" historically, that would not in fact be evil behavior. Mortal combat could be an example of this, I would think.

On the other hand, just because it corresponds to the behavior of peoples labeled barbaric doesn't mean it corresponds to neutral behavior in the game. The Mongols, for instance, who were regarded as barbarians in the West, practiced indiscriminate extermination, which IG is more of an evil role-play behavior I think (even demonic). So the question is really does the behavior correspond to what constitutes neutral behavior IG, not whether it constitutes barbaric behavior historically. There can be evil barbarians in Warmaster, yes?

With mortal combat, I think the problem is if it is not entered willingly on both sides, or if it's engaged at a time of weakness, or unexpectedly. I.e. deathmark used for murder. There seems to be something vaguely evil about that from the standpoint of game alignment.

That said, from what I saw (which wasn't much), Loriss was well within neutral territory, if not an exemplary neutral. And his role-play was heartfelt and very real.

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Wow, Thank you everyone...save for sneak aparently... Loriss had great friends on either side of alignment. Also, he would kill everyone he beat in battle for somthing 'very morbid' but held no hard feelings, I would even help people equip after killing, also even give tips on what to do better, most people wanted to fight me again even after I killed them. He only looted people that he hated. He never killed the battlers that he challenged, seen it as a more of a spar then combat...I don't think most pcs he killed hated him.

I never saw anything wrong for deathmarking people once Athara summoned me up, told me in her words "You are everything I want in a Barbarian, don't let the others put gladiator ideals on you." And made me elder.

so....na-na-na-na ^_^

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Guest emp_newb

Loriss was a well played char. I see it as a perfect barbarian. When he fights, its for blood. He takes what he wants/needs. No more. He is not heartless. But not compassionate. He emodies evil and good. He kills evil and good. Stood up for what he chose. Yea pretty good char. Sorry to hear he beat you that bad sneak ;)

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  • Implementor

Just in general:

No matter what cabal you have to make sure you rp your align.

Help neutral:

Neutrals derive their name from the fact that their behavior is marked by

neither philanthropy nor malice, or perhaps both in equal proportions.

Although some may choose to engage in violence as part of their chosen

profession, no one who is truly neutral would have the callous disregard

for others to murder without a clear justification for the killing.

Neutrals who kill excessively without reason, or for reasons considered

purely selfish or malicious, will be turned to the path of Darkness.

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