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Guest emp_newb

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Guest emp_newb

[ Drow ] Rakzalor the Will of Gods

[ Duerg ] Mryot the Believer

[ Drow ] [sAVANT] (Hourglass [T]) Ivyziou Vhyialsh the Scourge of the Battlefield

[ Elf ] Ravalorn Sylthansis the Leader of the Crusades

[ Drow ] (Hourglass [M]) Jraehr Vell the Creator of the Arcane

[ Human ] Krain Riplen the Order of the Black Robe

[ Elf ] Aedune Sylvenstor the Lord of the Templars

[ Avian ] Rylo the Harai Goshi

[ Drow ] Cahbur the Order of the White Robe

[ Fire ] Felser the Knight of Fury

[ Ogre ] Cyeela the Dragon Slayer

[ Duerg ] Radreg Egor the Holy Shaman

[ Duerg ] Groldach the Great Patriarch

[ Avian ] Hyrix the Wizard

[ Duerg ] (Hourglass [M]) Comaton the Will of Gods

[ Feral ] Naeromi the Adept of Faith

[ Avian ] Telor the Master of Kamae

[ Fire ] Borgash Volco the Cardinal of the Air

[ Drow ] (Hourglass [V]) Zrothum Zothorum the Scourge of the Battlefield

[ Human ] (Hourglass [V]) Crinx Ky'nex the Angel of Arcana

[ H-Elf ] Vazren Keiyus the Master of Dragons

[ Dwarf ] Xanlt Sloet the Baroness of Ice

[ Half ] Daltasvis the Ranger Knight

[ Elf ] Lyria Crystabell the Healer of Disease

Elf ] Tasonir the Knight Templar

[ Drow ] Jindraal the Expositor

[ Avian ] Kendrick Dakon the Robber

[ Avian ] Daimos Reidin the Master of Atemi Waza

[ Illit ] Memefraxis Namara the Master Golem Maker

[ Drow ] Tlaan the Walking Armory

[ Drow ] [sAVANT] Xara the Cardinal of Storms

[ 5 H-Elf War] Ariago Pontalis the Soldier

[ Half ] Clariza the Baroness of Hurricanes

[ Elf ] Aliroce the Green Woman

[ Human ] [sAVANT] Tyorik Iku'olri the Scourge of the Battlefield

[ Undea ] Endreki the Master of Trees

[ Drow ] Padisar Masmyre the 2nd Brown

[ Drow ] Silphie the Communer of Damnation

[ Beast ] Kaerik the Warder General

[ Slith ] Chazbel Karif the Dragon Slayer

[ Human ] [HERALD] Ashalind Madderson the Master of Song

[ Beast ] [WARMASTER] Lezxses Pulderith the Warder of the Glade

[ Avian ] (WANTED) Yumono Aldorios the Master of Touch

[ Drow ] Karazen Xixaen the Cavalier of Legion

[ Elf ] Azaari the Avatar of a Deity

[ Human ] Ventik the Captain of Legion

[ Half ] (OUTCAST) Xarilia the Crime Mistress

[ Duerg ] Velir Tisin the Recruit

[ Fire ] Zuvxl the Harbinger of Armageddon

[ Elf ] Ilisia Saiyree the Mistress of Mithril

[ Dwarf ] Inrak the Fiddler

[ Human ] [JUSTICE] Sesash the Defender of the Monastery

[ Human ] Matsuko the Master of Snow

[ Human ] Patroclus the Baron of Meteors

[ Faeri ] Nanaki the Apprentice of Magic

[ Dwarf ] [sAVANT] Goliad the Cardinal of Storms

[ Beast ] Mai Rascaline the Ranger Princess

[ H-Elf ] Spectialias Derner the Disciple

[ Beast ] Khas the Guardian of the Sacred Circle

[ Half ] Astandor the Cut-Purse

[ Fire ] Torrid Hekla the Dreaded

[ Dwarf ] [HERALD] Jisil Gwycae the Will of Gods

[ H-Elf ] (Hope [V]) Dareth Daseo the Holy Knight

[ Dwarf ] Ahaocha the Living Touch

[ Drow ] Elryndar VinDaemyn the Battle Surveyor

[ H-Elf ] Korinta Higmonden the Instrumentalist

[ Ogre ] Umrano the Warder Captain

[ H-Elf ] [HERALD] Mathicus Flon the Master Bard

[ Ogre ] Broax the Vengeance of the Forest

[ Half ] Tyui Tilt the Spy

[ Elf ] (Hope [T]) Sachi Oda the Angel of Arcana

[ Elf ] [HERALD] Lyria Knelling the Holy Matriarch of Healing

[ Drow ] (OUTCAST) Croyvern Daeyi the Merciful, Shunned of the Underdark

[ Drow ] Esiret Bot the Crimson Knight

[ Elf ] [KNIGHT] (Hope [L]) Sir Nasetuit Kamusa the Illuminated Shadow, Tempered Blade of the Crown

[ Slith ] Saeden the Demon Slayer

[ Dwarf ] Korock Stonecrusher the Master of War

[ Human ] Raniku Gisaniv the Holy Knight

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Here's one from March 5, 2009

<860hp 393m 400mv> who

[ Feral ] Arias the Yama Arashi

[ Illit ] (Cartel ) Gurnequre the King of Devils

[ Drow ] [sYNDICATE] ($) (Cartel [T]) Obligad Rasputiae the Master of the Miyama Ryu

[ Ogre ] [sYNDICATE] (Cartel [T]) Wrox the Vengeance of the Forest

[ Demon ] [sYNDICATE] (Cartel [T]) (OUTLAW) (WANTED) Loquaciant the Master of War

[ Elf ] Dilorry Anah the Counselor of Queen Orelinde

[ Illit ] [sYNDICATE] (Cartel [E]) (OUTLAW) (WANTED) Kurvikhel the Shadowy Puppetmaster, Strangling Hand of the Company

[ Slith ] Girg the Filcher

[ Elf ] [KNIGHT] ($) Sir Elshan Mir the Arm of Righteousness

[ Duerg ] ($) Coranthian the Holy Shaman

[ S-Elf ] [HERALD] ($) Palwen Tansay-Enceladus-Daeyi-Merivan the Counselor of the Righteous Brotherhood

[ Fire ] Regiarix the Greater Dragon Slayer

[ Elf ] Ilyana Nolatari the Grand Matriarch

[ Gorgo ] (Cartel ) Seleca the Angel of Arcana

[ Elf ] Aereshiir the Magician

[ MGolm ] Tasci the Master of Copper

[ Beast ] Verick Ferrel the Dreaded

[50 Half Thi] [sYNDICATE] (Cartel [T]) (OUTLAW) (WANTED) Wilibald Danderfluff the Grand Master of Assassins

[ Elf ] [HERALD] Wikley Enceladus-Daeyi the Vengeance of the Forest

[ Drow ] Zillix the Will of Gods

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