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Cabal etiquette when reducing play time...


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Playing a cabaled character now, but I'm about to start teaching a summer school session. Also, the school year is right around the corner. In other words, my playtime is about to be seriously reduced. I might be able to log >10 hours per week, probably all on the weekend if I'm lucky.

Should I leave the cabal to free up the spot? Should I just alert my cabal mates and let them do the decision making for me? What's the proper course of action?

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Hell, you worked to get into the cabal, and if you can put in the ten hours to not get autobooted, you deserve to stay on in whatever capacity you're in. You play and love this game just as much as anyone else, so for someone to tell you that you're not worthy of the cabal spot that YOU have been given simply because you can't put in 50 hours a week is nonsense.

Stick it out, and play it hard. Just my $.02

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