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A Regretted Farewell

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As always the most interesting things in life come to an end. Well for now anyways. :rolleyes: Most of you probably don't know me at all. Haven't been to active on the Forums as I would like to be. But I just wanted to say to all that play FL always fun always hard. Great game. I'm not going to be gone forever but being on a deployment in Iraq doesn't give me much time to keep it exciting. When I get back I will definitely get back to it! Well thank you all again for the excitement and I look forward to my return.

Oh and in case anyone wishes to know a little more of me. Here is a few characters I have played.

Elf [Knight] Ceria Cylestia Holy Lady, Crimson Sword Of the Righteous Brotherhood

Centaur [Watcher] Cronnus Caruarkan Vengeance of the Forest

Sphynx [Nexus] Rymlah Scourge of the Battlefield

Xirxinar - human monk

Centaur [Watcher] Kraevorn Stormthrust the Master of War

Again, I look forward to coming back.

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Trust me, Iraq's pretty well in hand, you're going to be bored. You'll have time. I have direct reports from Iraq.

However, I hear the hardline over there sucks balls at certain times of the day. Better to play at night....;)

And no, I haven't forgotten who you are....although, the VD jokes are coming.

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I have a lot to say about this article, but no time. I will begin with this:

"Coming from a nation where half the schools do not teach the science of evolution,"

That is wrong. It is no where near half. It is a state issue at the moment and very few states support the religious argument.

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Ah, things were pretty rough for Kraevorn recently. Props for the character.

Also remember Xirxinar, the nexus wannabe monk (or did he actually make it in?). He looked *VERY* promising.

Take care in Iraq and get back to FL asap :P

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Cronnus was the best ranger I've had since I started playing FL. Oddly enough with a human base for a ranger it just got a bit hard to keep him going. Kraevorn well is still a work in progress really, I'll get back to him soon enough. Had a few downfalls recently but crappy net over here didn't help. PM me if you like.

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Well...you're still alive...that's good to know. After our resurgence in FL...one by one...each member of our high-school group fell away. Now, you have left me to stand alone...hopefully, just for a little while. I wish you all the best; don't be a stranger. I am uncertain if you made a new email account or if your old one is no longer hacked...but drop me a line sometime.

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