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Let's not turn this into something else, hm? If you want to continue the discussion you can PM me and I'll talk it over with you. I would rather vacation threads/delete threads stay nice and tidy and with lots of kudos and 'good goings'.

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I never bumped heads with Alestim, Just remember seeing like a million shout outs for his character while he was around level 30, right through until he was pinnacled.

This is actually the first character in a while that has (imo) had such a big impact on so many players, in such a short time frame.

did something happen in game that put you off, or are you going to a tropical island for the weekend?

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I never bumped heads with Alestim, Just remember seeing like a million shout outs for his character while he was around level 30, right through until he was pinnacled.

This is actually the first character in a while that has (imo) had such a big impact on so many players, in such a short time frame.

did something happen in game that put you off, or are you going to a tropical island for the weekend?

Nah, just a vacation for a while, I guess.

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What the... I really start having doubts you are a new player now :P

Firstly, because Alestim's RP was an absolute beast and one can clearly see it from the RP log.

Second, because Alestim's PK was an absolute beast.

Thirdly, because he was wearing stuff which was quite nice.

Major props hopefully he will be back soon enough.

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