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One life left..


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| Insatiant || Possessed of PANDEMONIUM |


| Str: XX(XX) || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 30(353h) |

| Int: XX(XX) || Class: cleric Ethos: chaotic |

| Wis: XX(XX) || Race : demon Align: evil |

| Dex: XX(XX) || Hp : 733/733 Exp : 81240/510760 |

| Con: XX(XX) || Mana : 891/899 |

\ Lck: [||||||] \/ Move : 421/421 +Hit: 9 +Dam: 11 /


| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Malchaeius |

| Slash : 70 || Spell : 0 || Faith : Discord |

| Pierce: 70 || Afflictive : 0 || Weight: 0/525 |

| Blunt : 70 || Maledictive: 0 || Items : 0/36 |

| Magic : 70 || Mental : 0 || Prac : 12 Train: 1 |

| || || Gold : 0 CP: 1.3k |


/ Condition: The next death will send you beyond the abyss. \

| 4 more hours must pass before a cabal promotion. |


HEHE, not much to look at, I am naked. It was kinda fun I guess, got the hang of it at the end when it was too late.

I have one shoutout, to my toy friend Kitarth, haha.

Nah, everyone else, thanks, I learned alot about alot.. HAHA

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Guest emp_newb

booo, I fought you pre demon, never got to battle you after :)

Props for taking a beating and sticking on it. Good luck with your next.

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Guest emp_newb
I wouldn't try an invoker if you can con die as a cleric ;P

After having fought most of his recent clerics, he likes to let fights run to the wire. I suggested invokers because MOST invoker fights vs skilled opponents run to the wire. Invokers also offer a great strat vs wicked decked opponents :)

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  • 2 weeks later...


how many clerics is that now?

Heh, actually made me count, from the ones I can remember pinning 6.. Each was alright to an extent, I had one major flaw with all of them, did not run far enough to heal and refused to give up when I was in over my head. I think I got that complex down though, but even though dying sucks, to me it makes the game fun cus I learn and get better.. Plus sometimes its cool to just run around fighting different people then waiting as they argue over who's gonna kill you. Clerics are soo cool, I am unlocking the secrets, but I will not be playing clerics anymore, I may try.... Gimmie a few Ideas, I though about the invoker thing but keeping a supply of consumables and dodads might drive me alil crazy..

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This is what drives me insane.....to be competitive these days I need a class with access to wands/staves/scrolls (at least one of those) and I have to carry about thirty of everything. :rolleyes:

Thats why I have had so many clerics, now I know the lands well enough to remember what area a certain room name is when I locate and where good eq is. I used to mainly make different races of warriors but the mud went through a short era of ganging a few years ago and I decided to try a cleric and it work, my idol was Trigamonis but I would have to play nothing but clerics for another year to be as good as he seem'd to me! Heh killing three pinns in a row, infront of my eyes, I was amazed.

Someday, that will be me.. Hah doubt it, I said no more clerics.

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