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Gorbak Shig.


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Hey all,

Tonight I deleted Gorbak, who has been probably my most fun character to date. It wasn't a rage delete or anything like that, but I had found myself craving new projects recently, and my dedication to Gorbak had been getting a bit strained. I figured I'd had a great run, accomplished what I'd set out to do, and once the fun starts to fade it's time to check out.

I had a great time with him, had many ups and downs, and I hope positively impacted on some of the people around me.

Here's the most recent score sheet I could find.

You are Gorbak, loyal believer in way of Chaos and powers of Equilibrium.

Level 50, 57 years old (412 hours).

Race: ogre Sex: male Class: berserker

Hometown: Marak Alignment: Neutral Ethos: chaotic

Slayer of [sTALKER] with 1718 pelts to your name.

You have been cleared for a promotion in the ranks of [sTALKER]

You have 1490/1490 hit, 325/473 mana, 140/437 movement.

You have 33 practices and 3 training sessions.

You are carrying 34/36 items with weight 357/375 pounds.

Str: 24(24) Int: 18(18) Wis: 15(15) Dex: 18(18) Con: 20(18)

You have scored 440132 exp, and have 60688 gold coins.

Condition: You are a bit worn out from your wounds.

Luck: Your luck can turn either way.

Wimpy set to 0 hit points.

You are standing.

Armor: pierce: -282 bash: -289 slash: -284 magic: -249

Save vs Spell: -24 Affliction: -28 Malediction: -25 Mental: -30

You are almost invulnerable to piercing.

You are almost invulnerable to bashing.

You are divinely armored against slashing.

You are superbly armored against magic.

Hitroll: 47 Damroll: 44.

Some shout outs:


The Watchers: Zalozen, Klemkin, Faye, Turnus, Crespos, Gruudik, Kraevorn, Ediasal. It was great fun being part of the cabal with you. You are all a bunch of balls-to-the-wall hard heads, and Watcher is thriving. Keep it up, and thanks for the fun.

Pildo: You were one of Gorbak's good friends in game. We had a lot of fun chatting about statues, explosions and fighting. We also helped each other get back on our feet after falling on hard times.

Scholin: I always liked chatting with you, your RP was excellent and you were always great fun to duel.

Palwen: Thanks for all the staff recharges and item locations. You were a real god-send sometimes.

Daviaus: Back when you were still around you were always helping Gorbak out with various things. We had a lot of discussions and little RP sessions, it was fun.

Svenik: Another ally of Gorbak's. We did a lot of gear-tripping together and had a good respect of each other's fighting skills.

Maerothir: You were always one of Gorbak's friends and helpers. Your advice on gear/weapons was always invaluable, and we went on numerous solo gear trips together.

Gradrel: Thanks for keeping the cabal running and giving me a shot at Elder. It's my first cabal Elder since Fistilantus, and I had a great time being part of Watcher.


Kurvikhel: Probably the person I hated fighting the most. We had a shaky alliance for a while, but after that ended you were continually on my case. I never managed to kill you, although I think I got close once or twice.

Masokant: The comments you made about our fights in your own delete thread were very accurate. Either you totally destroyed me, or I totally destroyed you. There were no close fights. I am not going to lie, I totally bragged to everyone when I killed you. Every time I was about to fight you, I was always nervous as I knew I could be dead in a moment. I think it's fitting that in the end we were even.

Kaylia: We had a weird relationship from day one. We would have odd discussions about various things ranging from pride, to combat, to hiding, to the ethics of Syndicate. They were always very fun, and helped me greatly in fleshing out Gorbak's ideals and opinions. I never thought you'd actually kill me, but I guess you showed me ;p

Wuzor: You were one of the real antagonists of Gorbak's earlier life. Having you on my case constantly forced me to try new tactics and bring new weapon combinations out. I think I improved as a player because of it.

Trelik: You were a real nuisance for me. Even if we never fought, constantly walking around poisoned fearing a thief in the shadows is no way to live. I was always somewhat relieved when you logged out.

Sciscuri: Along with Wuzor, you were one of the early antagonists of my life. You also forced me to try things I may never have tried willingly by thrashing me with chaos blades.

Niall: You were an absolute pain in my arse. I never liked fighting battlemages, and you were my least favourite to battle. Good PK skills coupled with good chasing skills really ruined my day.

Daegondar: You gave Gorbak some very close calls in his later life.

Enarth/Lythelorin/Lythariel: I had only brief but very fun PK encounters with all of you.

That about rounds it out. Sorry if I forgot anyone, it's not because I didn't like your characters, but it's really late here and my brain is fried.

See you soon with a new project.


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Guest emp_newb

Damn, yet another char that prove beyond a doubt zerks suck :)

Kidding 100%. I have interacted with you on 3 characters, and loved every interaction. As Maerothir I had a great time with you on gear trips, discussing weaponry, and forging techniques as well as sending you a tell and saying your heading to gear with me, come on. Great character, One of Maerothir's best friends in game. Shared alot of common views on "sinning heretics"

As Pildo you where my melee equivilant. Both of us spit out uber damage. Great running around with you, even though we started to lose touch after both of us got into our cabal duties more heavily. You where also Pildo's last original in game friend. Came to power around the same time, getting cabal promos at similar times as well as being in a cabal mostly alone for some time. Great fun with you, wish you the best of luck

As my current char I have been fighting you, and your mates, quite often. Loved the interactions, but I will tell you right now I ****ing hate haymaker, and weapon cleave.

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A very memorable and well-played character.

Gorbak WAS Watcher for all purposes for quite a long time. He became inactive after awhile, but most characters do after a few hundred hours.

Gorbak will be remembered by me as the character who showed that zerks are the banes of BLMs.

Although, I still want to see a dwarf/duergar zerk prosper. :D

A quiet exit from a great character. Can't wait to see what is next!

You definitely had a hugely positive impact on me with this character!

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Gorbak was great. Some time ago I said something on the forums which might have insulted you, I apologize for it for that was not the purpose and it seems like I mis-interpeted some of your words IG wrong.

Congrats again and good luck with your new project.

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Gorbak was a fun char. We were bitter enemies (obviously) though we had some cool battles.

I was shocked when I ended up outmeleeing you the couple of times we fought.

You showed utter class to me that day when you bashlocked me at your cabal altar and took maybe 1 piece of equipment/gold, when I was totally decked. Tons of respect for that. Very few people would do that.


One watcher down. ;)

I'm curious to see what your next char will be. :)

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