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Fl Heidas


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Yes, it's true, for a while now I have just not been able to find the correct motivation to play. I've tried a large variety of class/race combos I was never interested in before. I would love to get into a qclass/race but I get very bored when I don't think I'm getting anywhere plus I am very critical of everything I write, and I can't write that well.

From time to time I think of a fun class and think of a decent rp then as soon as I open my roller I instantly think to myself, " Whats the point?" I'll be on gears2 and Cod:WaW for now. Good luck.

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I feel a little the same. For me its mainly the lack of playerbase. Logging on and seeing the same couple of people all the time gets boring. I have not been on any trips or anything in a looong looong time. There just isn't enough people around. I am at work all week, I am busy on the weekends, I only play during Australian night which means I get the worst of the quietness.

Add on top I have recently bought a house (well, in the process of buying a house) and I have little time on my hands.

Unfortunately I think the time of MUD's is coming to an end. I prefer them alot over most other games. They are more mentally stimulating and engaging then the normal hack and slash or point and click. It just gets rather depressing having no more then 5 people on most of the time I log on, I soon log off.

My current char (after my previous 5 year hiatus) will quite likely be my last. I thoroughly enjoy the character however with my busy personal life of late I've not had as much time to put into them. I did have a complete diary written of important events in their life, however, it stopped in its tracks, as it was quite time consuming to do. I was meant to be converting this to drafted notes, however, seeing as I am so behind now, it will probably never happen.

I used to be a serial addict in my youth. I had thousands upon thousands of hours thrown into characters. I used to play till after midnight, and be up again at 5 or 6am before school to play again. It didn't do particularly good things for my grades :D

Hmmm, seems now as I grow older, my time seems more precious to me.

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I would love to get into a qclass/race but I get very bored when I don't think I'm getting anywhere plus I am very critical of everything I write, and I can't write that well.

I'm more than happy to proofread and brainstorm any RP/Writing with you. My PM box is always cleaned out.

And you know what? If I'm not leaving, you're not leaving! :mad:

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Yes, it's true, for a while now I have just not been able to find the correct motivation to play. I've tried a large variety of class/race combos I was never interested in before. I would love to get into a qclass/race but I get very bored when I don't think I'm getting anywhere plus I am very critical of everything I write, and I can't write that well.

From time to time I think of a fun class and think of a decent rp then as soon as I open my roller I instantly think to myself, " Whats the point?" I'll be on gears2 and Cod:WaW for now. Good luck.

Seriously, you come up with the character and race, I have an overactive imagination, I can come up with good rp, I just don't know how the play it out, plus with me I have like ADHD or something, I cannot stick it out either, but I am sure you can, ask me whenever you want a suggestion, it would make me feel special! hehehe WIth a capitol S..

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Figuring out an RP that I can stick to is the most challenging thing about playing a mud... and also the most rewarding. Most of the time I fail... the times I succeed are priceless.

Either you're in the mindset for a true role playing experience or you aren't. I understand perfectly. But in the end, everything else is just... lacking... in that one crucial component of true choice.

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