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I am getting trough moving to another apartment at the moment, lots of work, noisy girlfriend and I don't have time to play at this point.

Thanks to Lahnidas, Mephisoleer, Ayzebel and all the others that interacted with me.

To all I fought : Don't think that I suck! I was just too careless with this character. Never backed down. Had a blast though. In the end I ended up dieing alot more than winning, so... I shall play my next one more seriously and you will all see!

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Note:Not a flame.

You threatened me a WHOLE lot, what happened! :D I wanted that revenge to come through. D: I did like the character though, he was fun to chat with. I do believe I end up liking your characters. You manage the angry trashtalker angle without actually being a douche. You actually get the RP down instead of ever taking it ooc, which is a real treat. Roll another soon!

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