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A thought...


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  • 2 weeks later...
Battlemage lol!

Lol indeed.

Zerks are a rough deal when facing a shaman - you usually end up suffering from being a gimped warrior. Not that warriors are fun to play when you gotta square off a clever shaman....

That being said I've killed off shaman with bmage, zerk and warriors before its just a LOT of work and pain to get it to happen.

Invoker is a good bet - even just to p!ss them off with repeated hellstreams until things go poof. They won't WANT to fight you then :-D


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Invoker is a good bet - even just to p!ss them off with repeated hellstreams until things go poof. They won't WANT to fight you then :-D


I remember one of my invokers from years ago fighting a shaman for about an hour... no deaths on either side, but that punk lost 9 rare/unique items. ;)

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