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Nitpicking RP


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Alright, speaking from personal experience, obviously, and being slightly guilty of it, I just thought I'd bring it out in the open and ask the player base their opinion on the following subject. So first, the definition for those who don't know.


  /ˈnɪtˌpɪk/ [nit-pik]

–verb (used without object)

1. to be excessively concerned with or critical of inconsequential details.

–verb (used with object)

2. to criticize by focusing on inconsequential details.

I've found I've been found guilty nitpicking, in the past with some of the more 'unoriginal' (definitely just my opinion) roleplay views. I found it at the time necessary to open up some of their eyes. However, I've grown to live for those who actually continue that RP instead of those who have that kick-*** original package and then completely blow it on some OOC rant. In any case, I don't do it anymore because I find it stupid, dumb, and quite insulting to whoever I did it too. I felt childish for it.

Now, how about those who nitpick about someone's character's name on that genuinely IC level, but so borderline OOC set? As in defining their character's name with a dictionary by changing a few letters around, then calling them on it, then completely degrading their RP and making you feel like.. "WTF, I should just ignore this jerk-off, even though I tried to start the RP with him.."

I don't want to sound like I'm opening a flamebait thread, because I'm most definitely not. I'm just wanting to know WHO out there approve of this, who of you out there DO IT, and who of you out there DESPISE it and will completely be turned off and end up ignoring whoever the culprit is.

Just curious :)

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Everything that goes even remotely OOC is pissing me great deal.

For names, we have immortals to deal with. If they have found the name alright, especially after you've reported it, then it really is alright and I will just ignore the prick who is doing it or just kill and loot him.

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