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Descriptions and Dragons


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I would like to start by saying that I have played this MUD for about seven years, on and off, different characters...

I have tried on several characters to make the description good enough to get a dragon as a reward. I have failed every time, dozens and dozens of times I have failed, even when I really tried. I just assumed I was not a good enough of a writer or that you needed an Immortal friend to get a dragon, so I have held my tongue, until now that is.

The other day I saw Saeryn. Please explain to me how a description with a misspelled word earns her a Dragon? Also I just don't get it, I was always told you need to include equipment in your description?

On a side note I have a Stone Giant waiting at level 15 for several days now awaiting approval. At first I was just making a regular Stone Giant but was told my description could not be approved because stone giants are really not made of stone and that my description was more that of a stone golem.

Not wanting to redo my description I sent in a application to be an Earth Elemental. Later I went and checked the entry for stone giants on the FL web page and the picture clearly depicts a stone giant made of stone.

Any Ideas?


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My thoughts:

There are many Immortals. Each one have different tastes, and give out description awards for different things. You don't have to be an Immortal's friend to get a dragon reward.

As far as the misspelled word and the reward, the actual description must have been worthy of it, and both the writer/reviewer must have missed the word. Equipment being in your description? Whoever told you that was mistaken. Your description can be just about you. Your hair...toes, teeth, warts, scars, freckles and so on. You don't have to mention the word 'sword' as many people believe.

As far as the Stone Giant comment...meh..I thought they were made out of stone too. :D But either way, an earth elemental would be a lot cooler!

Remember, all this is coming from someone who never received a dragon for a description either. So buck up. :P

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Not really sure why you bring this here, as most of your questions have already been answered (by me) in game.

1) Stone giants are NOT made out of stone, that would be a stone golem, earth elemental, etc. Fire giants are not made of fire, storm giants not of air. Once the racial helpfiles are in, that should make it easier.

2) If you want a stone elemental/golem, you have to apply for a restring (Application to Immortal).

3) An application should be in character, detailing your past, how you came to be (here), your goals, etc. It can be either from your point of view or from an observers.

4) A restring should both have a very good description and a good ic application. Writing about 5 sentences is way too short. Told you before to go more into detail. The desc of someone who wants a restring should be good also, again, yours is way too short (or was when I last checked).

5) A resting is a rp tool. It does not mean you will get another skillset and / or other vulns and resistances.

Dragons are given out when the Imm seeing the desc thinks that the person is deserving. This can be either for the desc or for rp, a combination of both or something else entirely (a newbie or a non native speaker trying very very hard to make a really good desc, improving it much, spending much time, etc. or a player helping a newbie and investing a lot of time there for example). If you have any more questions, you can always ask us on prayer or just ask an Imm directlely.

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Sometimes a little bit of low-level RP will get someone a dragon, it isn't always dependent on your description. Also, like Forsaken said, you don't have to put equipment in. I look at your description as a picture of you when you're 'off-duty'. Normal, walking around clothes, not covered in plate mail armor and holding a ten foot sword. I did usually mention specific pieces my characters might be wearing. A family sword belted to their waist, a signet ring, a ruby necklace, etc.

I know on one of my characters I got a pair of Endless Luck glasses or something just for a chat I had about how my character was losing their sight.

All in all, I think the idea is not to aim for a dragon when you write your description. It should be a part of your RP, not looking for a reward.

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I've received a dragon for many different things. Once, was typically about rp (which I had a faerie flying around my head a gnome, I got an air dragon then) and others I had them in my inventory when I logged in after I dchecked. Other times, I've had lengthy, good RP sessions with immortals and received one. I've even had nice RP sessions where I received nothing and I still felt as if my character ascended further into the RP world.

Regardless, I don't make a character for a Dragon. I don't write a description for a Dragon. I write and RP for myself, and hopefully have others enjoy it. Sometimes, you receive a dragon. Sometimes you don't.

(I didn't receive a dragon for at least 6 years, and then, I did. It shouldn't be something you aim for, regardless.)

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I would like to start by saying that I have played this MUD for about seven years, on and off, different characters...

I have tried on several characters to make the description good enough to pass at first. I have failed every time, dozens and dozens of times I have failed, even when I really tried. I just assumed I was not a good enough of a writer or that you needed to get an Immortal in a good mood, so I have held my tongue, until now that is.

I have now started to recycle my older descriptions in order to save me the torment of writing a description.

On a side note I have now started to recycle my older descriptions for several days now. At first I thought it would pass but was told my description could not be approved because it was to short, or that i had a mistake that really was made and approved in the past.

IMM's are clearly out there to get me.

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It will show the description of any logged in character.

You can read them in safety.

I normaly read in diagonal some Restrings descs. Just to figure out what kind of being i am interacting with. It normaly fails.

Hooo, and anyone and their cousin can get a Dragon. I want to see you get a IMM given Item from your description :P

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I was going to say the same thing Foxx...

On my Faerie Battlemage Corina, I was given an owner-only pair of crystal earrings from Anithraril for my desc and dragons for most of my other faerie chars. For whatever reason, describing them just comes so easy for me.

Someday, when you don't try so hard and just let it come, you'll all of a sudden wake up with a new pet. Perhaps you'll even find a specific race which you can describe better than others, but at the end of the day, the receipt of a dragon is only as important as you make it.

Besides, 99.9% of people will rarely last until 50 with it anyways. Some do, but most get rid of it and replace it with more functional equipment.

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Someday, when you don't try so hard and just let it come, you'll all of a sudden wake up with a new pet. Perhaps you'll even find a specific race which you can describe better than others, but at the end of the day, the receipt of a dragon is only as important as you make it.

Besides, 99.9% of people will rarely last until 50 with it anyways. Some do, but most get rid of it and replace it with more functional equipment.

Agreed, agreed, agreed, agreed and agreed. You read my thoughts or something Mr. yep yep?

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