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For the sake of Rping?


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emotes are not very noticable in the heat of battle.

Use Say. I used to speak during PK all the time in the old days.

As we are at it. How about you guys stop making mass murders evils and make some Lawful evils who wish to control the world, or reign a city by Roleplay.

Ploting their way to power.

Akin to old Galvatar.

Just make a Cleric or a Dark Knight and join Noble and take a swing at some city.

This is especially for you Valek.

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Just that you know. Some of best time i ever spend in this mud was spent standing in Central Commons, Roleplaying my way as a Evil Lawful Noble. And plotting my way to power trying to influence people to take the actions i wanted.

It's not hard, and it just takes some imagination and the will to RP.

PK will come, trust me. There are so many bloodthirsty persons on the mud that PK will come find you.

I just had general 3 rules regarding PK.

- I do NOT initiate PK, i follow the LAW and ORDER.

- If some newbie or player initiates some RP backed attack i will fight a bit, drop their HP and let them escape. Then tell them they are not worth fighting.

- If someone attacks me for no reason (no prior RP) they WILL DIE!!! (You need to reinforce the idea that although you stand in the Commons like a newbie, you are a Titan.)

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I have recently had bouts with the Puppet Dark Knight Imseik. In those bouts he had a few interesting emotes. I had felt it added much flavor to my loss.

I haven't RPed with Imseik recently, but back in the day when he was pre 50 and his first weeks at 50, before he went away, he was VERY well RPed indeed.

Haven't seen his combat emotes yet and especially knowing who playes him (I don't think it's a secret but anyway) I want to give a lot of props to the person for taking away a bit of his own advantage in combat for the sake of RP.

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