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Weapons vs defenses


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While browsing through old threads I saw a comment L-A had made about flails not being the best vs shield block. I'm aware that as a melee you should use weapons your opponent doesn't know, but I wasn't aware that some are better against certain defenses. I haven't been able to find any threads that detail the comparison.

I'm trying to figure out which weapons I should be using in different situations and this knowledge would be very helpful.

So, what is a rough ranking of weapons vs defense?

vs parry?

vs parry/dodge?

vs parry/shield block?

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Its not that flail would be more easily blocked by shield block as opposed to parry, its just the weapon type in general would be more easily blocked by defenses in general. In other words, there is a distinction between how easy weapon types are to block by any defense, but not specific defenses.

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Well, after taking a long stroll, I consulted with Ernie and Big Bird. Here's what we came up with and this is in no way 100% positive.

There's a check for defenses.

Each defense goes in some order to see if it kicks in, then there's a check to see if your hitroll/weapon type overcame this. In theory, you should find that your hitroll is slightly more important than your weapon type, but in regards to the parry skill as that depends on their knowledge in that weapon vs. your weapon type.

Think about it a bit longer. I would, but that's all I just finished reading Slimy his bed time story and I don't honestly know what I'm talking about.

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In conclusion, I think we can say that L-A doesn't know wtf he's talking about :D Classes that use shields are mostly clerics, shamans, healers, dks, and they are all proficient in flails, so using flails against them isn't the best choice anyway (unless the flail is malformed and very nasty ;) )

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Well, I'm going to back myself on this for the time being - however, I'd be HAPPY to be provern wrong and find out for real... The only way that is going to happen is if someobe completes the testing that I previously started. In fact, now that I know more than I did I'll probably simply start again.

From my testing though - I was able to apply what I say to defeat certain classes on a regular basis. The principles I've been using go against what the general consensus of this thread. This doesn't mean I'm right - it does mean that I don't believe only hit roll affects you getting through someone's defenses. If that was true a raged zerk with dual axes should cut a cleric to pieces with almost zero effort. Go try with axes, flails, spears, daggers and swords and find out which actually yields the best results. Do it at 30, 40, 50 and 60 hit roll and you'll quickly see what you should be using. I think you'll find axes and flails (the two highest offensive weapons of that group) won't be the most effective.

Valek - it used to be defenses were checked in a certain order. However, long ago (early 2.0 or late 1.0) Viri changed it so defenses fire in random order. That means dodge isn't always the last defense checked - it might be first etc.


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While browsing through old threads I saw a comment L-A had made about flails not being the best vs shield block. I'm aware that as a melee you should use weapons your opponent doesn't know, but I wasn't aware that some are better against certain defenses. I haven't been able to find any threads that detail the comparison.

I'm trying to figure out which weapons I should be using in different situations and this knowledge would be very helpful.

So, what is a rough ranking of weapons vs defense?

vs parry?

vs parry/dodge?

vs parry/shield block?


Why ask - just go test it yourself. Round up five types of weapons and go fight the same people over and over. Log it, run the figures and see what you find. That's where I started - I was just too lazy to do all ten weapons (did about four from memory).


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