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Bring Back The Original Bards : Yea - Nay


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I don't understand what needs to be changed.

They're jack of all trades, except they can actually handle themselves a little better now. Deck one out, you're PK viable.

However, being a jack of all trades, you're NOT prepared to fight anything and everything. You have no true weakness, but you have no true strength. Everyone's going to see their glass as half empty or half full.

How you play your bards is up to you. I don't see any reason to change the class.

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I would like to see the RP elements of the old bard brought back. Namely the Flight of the Phoenix. I also think that RP songs/skills should not cost a train, and be counted as a automatic skill. It would be nice to ventriloquate to 100% and have the marriage song for free instead of sacrificing it for a PK song.

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I don't understand why they need to be changed.

Fixed it for you.

Because it was fun dammit!

I believe that alteration of the Bard class for the sake of PK viability demonstrates our Game's shift towards that of being PK-centric. I mean, are there more bards now than before since the change? Did the fun factor go up because of the change?

Is Forsaken Lands better off without such fun and frivolity?

Anyways, as far as PK viability goes, every Old School bard I played and encountered never had a problem being PK viable. Really, it was such a unique class, beautiful really and could hold its own to anyone that'd challenge. The new Bard class is more Rogue than Jester.

I don't believe Bards were "broke" to begin with, so why not give it a shot.

What are the implementation issues? Players that never play Bards or players that currently have Bards in high places!

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I believe that alteration of the Bard class for the sake of PK viability demonstrates our Game's shift towards that of being PK-centric. I mean, are there more bards now than before since the change? Did the fun factor go up because of the change?

Is Forsaken Lands better off without such fun and frivolity?

You know, I can honestly say that I never thought of it like this. That's a very interesting opinion, and I can't say for sure whether I agree or disagree, but regardless, you've given me something to think about.

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I'm all for it! Frankly I don't see the disadvantage of giving people one more class to play. And implementing it will be super easy since its already in our codebase. I had the pleasure of playing an old bard once, it was really fun, even though I only managed one pk:D

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I'm still not cool with bringing back old bards.

This begs the question: Why?

I've never been cool with changing Bards to begin with, and I will tell you why. The Original Bards by their very design were Songsmiths. Just like The Lord of the Rings, dammit, the Elves sung! Of course Peter Jackson was more of a PK-centric fool and didn't permit Elves to sing in his slap-dash revisionist work based on the fabled books. And you know what that did? It sucked the spirt out of the very notion of LOTR. Jackson took the fun loving sing-song Elves and made them stoic eye-fcuking wet blankets that were so contemplative one had to wonder if Sauron had cornered the market on Laxatives.

I believe that altering the Bard class has done the same thing to The Forsaken Lands.

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Bards were changed early 2.0 because Bard players since the middle of 1.0 demanded that it be done. Bards were considered easy targets, and the players of said Bards wanted to be more survivable.

With the addition of freeverse, you can sing any song that you wish. You can sing your own marriage song.

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With the addition of freeverse? Freeverse has always been apart of Bards. I had one of the first bards in the history of Aabahran, I would know this. However Malch is right people. I saw months and months of just complete and utter b***hing about how bards needed to be stronger/tougher/more durable. So now with this whole idea that this mud has lost it's sense of rp first pk second we now are trying to find a way to fix it by bringing something back that you(me)everyone wanted changed in the first place. YOU PEOPLE DON'T MAKE ANY SENSE!!! SERIOUSLY YOUR MAKING ME TYPE IN CAPS NOW BECAUSE I'M THAT DUMBFOUNDED!!!

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It sounds like a lot of people just want bards to stay the way they are with the addition of some select songs from 1.0 bards. Which doesn't sound like too much of an addition, save for that one song that calls spiders. Some people have complained that it was overpowered? I wouldn't know though.

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I've got the best question of all....

Why are we even talking about bards? :P

They were rare in 1.0.

Rare in 2.0

Rare to unique in 3.0.

It takes a special player to play a bard. So, instead of gimping them (trust me, you want that survivability, it's not like anyone's putting a gun to your head and saying "Master all your skills/spells/songs!"), why not just roll with what's there and maybe ask for the Song of the Phoenix or whatever it is you miss about bards?

I'm probably missing the point of this post again. It is about bards, isn't it?

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To expand on what Malch said - before the changes there was almost a understanding between players that bards were off limit in PK unless they looked like pinata's ie were carrying high powered rares.

DKs who killed naked bards sitting in CS were typically hunted down by the stronger PKr's of the day. Bards made friends with many characters who would tell you to LEAVE THEM ALONE. It was perhaps the only 'PK protection' that was ever afforded to anyone. That isn't to say upstart, mouthy bards didn't get put to the sword. They did. It just so happened they learnt fast or deleted.

With the changes we have seen bards that are able to hold their own in PK - which is a VERY, VERY good thing. In case (and players could be forgiven for not knowing this given the amount of whinging about RP and PK I see lately) you all forgot - this a PK/RP enforced MUD. If you're here you must be in character. If you're here you run the risk of getting killed by monsters, YASKs, assorted religious zealots and bounty hunters. Deal with it.

Taking away any PK viability from bards would be a gigantic step BACKWARDS in, what is perhaps, the greatest balance between class power we have seen. Bards will never be super powered killers like DKs - deal with it.


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