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Equipment Balancing


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As much as I hate to say it - I believe there will always be imbalance between those with large amount of powerful eq and those without.

The best I can think of is taking away the stupidly powerful things eg nimbus, +spell lvl, passdoor and proection effects etc that allow real achievement of superpowers.

The down side is this cuts a lot of the 'coolness' out of the game. Those items look cool, do cool things and are just in general really, really cool. :-P

Apart from that, well, someone with 60 hit is going to roll someone with 10 hit. Someone with -100 saves will do better against a shaman than somene with -10 saves.


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As much as I hate to say it - I believe there will always be imbalance between those with large amount of powerful eq and those without.

The best I can think of is taking away the stupidly powerful things eg nimbus, +spell lvl, passdoor and proection effects etc that allow real achievement of superpowers.

The down side is this cuts a lot of the 'coolness' out of the game. Those items look cool, do cool things and are just in general really, really cool. :-P

Apart from that, well, someone with 60 hit is going to roll someone with 10 hit. Someone with -100 saves will do better against a shaman than somene with -10 saves.


I agree with you on all points. TO keep the game competitive, and fun, you have to have at least a mildly level playing field. Instead of the 50cc scooter vs the 1300 cc Hayabusa ;) you can make it a 600 RR vs a gsxr 600. Instead of Godzilla vs Tokyo, you can make it godzilla vs mothra. So on and so fourth.

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I agree with you on all points. TO keep the game competitive' date=' and fun, you have to have at least a mildly level playing field. Instead of the 50cc scooter vs the 1300 cc Hayabusa ;) you can make it a 600 RR vs a gsxr 600. Instead of Godzilla vs Tokyo, you can make it godzilla vs mothra. So on and so fourth.[/quote']

I didn't know you were a rider :cool:

I was speaking to another player recently and they made the point that it used to be only a few could lead the really tough areas for super eq - now everyone can.

I remember before that we (the pbase) only ended up getting through steel/magic once a week because a few of us had characters with coinciding play times. Usually it was anything outside of Winter rare wise and whatever you could take off others - who was Adpetus?

As was pointed out to me, everyone now goes for super eq no matter what. I've seen it go so far as players who look strong and do well finally take a death and make like a four year old after an ice cream truck for four days until they get multiple deso clears and an almost god suit back. That's not a strong players - that's someone just good at killing mobs.

Without depowering eq (which is delicate due to balance between melee and mage) I don't know how to take the game back to where a set of tainted/mithril and 4 rares will gives you a half decent run vs most dressed players. Sure, if he's in full adeptus you won't get him, but if he's only been through the factions he'll hold advantage but you can play for it.

I do think that the current eq situation is frustrating because if you don't have IC friends you will find it VERY hard to get the eq and get going. I see this as promoting the OOC type things for eq runs. Its far harder to get a good group and get what you want than to just tell to four guys on MSN/AIM 'DESO RUN!!!'


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I've been to winter a few times by myself...

Never been to the Factions.

Went to Gear twice as a Healer and never went again because I kept getting stuck with a freakin' spring! If I ever go to Gear again and get stuck with that spring, I'll try to kill every person in my group...I will go totally suicidal! :mad::P

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Whenever I take any people on a gear run, I make sure everyone got taken care of, even if that means I have to go without those powerfists. Hell I have sent people tells in game telling them come into gear, Ill summon you to the end and we will finish off the quest, and you will get some shinies. I HATE people who grab everything right off the bat without asking who wants what.

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I must say that from my experiences, it isn't always about the gear. I have run against superior-decked enemies when I had nothing good but a fire lance or the high guardian's sword. Each time I sent the opponent running, because I focused more on using what my class offered me, abilities.

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That is in years past. I remember being a cabaler wearing Tainted. now tainted is a joke, and you have to be decked. You have two tiers of chars running around, moderate/poorly armed, and ultra decked. The ultra decked chars spend months suiting up, and stacking up CP, then they hit a certain point and are nearly unkillable. Then when they do die they are insured, and suddenly that gear is basically owner only. Cabal T/E/L with 3-4k CP and HORRENDOUSLY decked is near impossible to take gear from.

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That is in years past. I remember being a cabaler wearing Tainted. now tainted is a joke' date=' and you have to be decked. You have two tiers of chars running around, moderate/poorly armed, and ultra decked. The ultra decked chars spend months suiting up, and stacking up CP, then they hit a certain point and are nearly unkillable. Then when they do die they are insured, and suddenly that gear is basically owner only. Cabal T/E/L with 3-4k CP and HORRENDOUSLY decked is near impossible to take gear from.[/quote']

That takes a lot of time and hard work though, especially in today's environment.

I think everything would be solved with more players.

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That takes a lot of time and hard work though, especially in today's environment.

I think everything would be solved with more players.

I think it would also help if the same person didn't have 5 characters all in cabals... I mean seriously? You should only be allowed maybe 2 cabaled characters from an ip.

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I must say that from my experiences' date=' it isn't always about the gear. I have run against superior-decked enemies when I had nothing good but a fire lance or the high guardian's sword. Each time I sent the opponent running, because I focused more on using what my class offered me, abilities.[/quote']

Do tell please. I dont see your fire lance holding up in today's world.

Let's see you against Dogoneto,Svenik, Ismeik, Salith, Caidon etc with your mithril and the high guardian sword and shield.

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I think it would also help if the same person didn't have 5 characters all in cabals... I mean seriously? You should only be allowed maybe 2 cabaled characters from an ip.

Decent idea, Right now if it is still the same as when I left the last time it was no more then one in same at a time and none in opposing cabals, personally I can only handle one cabal at a time, but I dont see 2 as a problem. And I may be wrong but I think Imms are only allowed 2 pinns at a time. (so none of them out there hording so it must be you, jk)

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I think it would also help if the same person didn't have 5 characters all in cabals... I mean seriously? You should only be allowed maybe 2 cabaled characters from an ip.

There are how many cabals? How many have vendetta's vs other cabals?

A word to the wise - if you are playing characters in opposing (vendetta'ed) cabals you're going to be scrutinised. Very. Carefully. Specific IMMs will have specific rules regarding E and L ranks in this situation.


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Personally I never play characters in opposing cabals. I am completely against the idea and I am very glad that the IMMs watch these folks carefully. Also, I only play two characters at a time. Sometimes I have a lowbie to train or run around checking pits for future use but only two pinns. I don't see how anyone can have more than two pinns and accomplish anything (or have a real life).

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