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I had a very very short run with this character, he was fun right until the end.

After getting my last kill with this character, I realized this game wasn't for me. I felt gulity, I felt horrible, I felt like I wanted to just drop all my equipment and delete on the spot. To me it seemed like a really well earnt kill, I chased this fellow through a good 10 areas, I burnt through 90% of my consumables, I had 90% of my weapons cleaved to pieces, finally got the kill. It didn't feel rewarding at all.

Was still roaming around with my character afterwards for about 10-15mins contemplating on whether I'd hang stick it out, then got lag locked for 26 rounds so I deleted. I suppose it's more of a rage quit if anything.

Only had one shoutout really, and that was too Anume for giving me 'Orc' for my horrible, poorly writen description + application for the qrace. First time I've ever writen one, didn't know what was expected of me. She gave it to me for 'a good effort' which too me was poor of a pitty gesture - but I thank her for it, it didn't feel earnt but no one knew that but myself and maybe all the other admins that looked over it.

no score sheet, keeping it short, last character for a while. Buying Titan Quest tomorrow, heard it's good - might give it a jam and see what comes of it.


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When I do make a character again, it will have to be a goodie. I'm far to kind hearted as a person to roll a evil, or even neutral for that matter. I cannot help but feel guilty as a person/player for what choices my evil character makes - I feel people take it too personally and that effects me my enjoyment of the game.

BTW, the inspiration for this character came from non other than, Grom Hellscream.

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