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You know what grinds my gears?


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Seeing as how my other thread became a rolling ball of negativity, here's what grinds my gears.

We all have different ideas of what FL is. We all have different ideas of what "proper RP" is. We all have different ideas of what a "classy player" is. I call BS on this classy player nonsense. Every time my character dies, it pisses me off. As it should. Dying should be avoided. If think it's okay to kill me and if you leave me my things I'll leave you alone, you got something else coming. I only get twice as pissed when you leave me with a full corpse or just take my gold/backpack/weapons, whatever.

Fact is, only what the IMMs say goes for RP is what counts. Had me a little issue a few days ago where I figured someone wasn't RPing right. I was wrong about that. And you know what else? You can call people out on these forums all day about how they need to be "classier" or run to your AIM to say "soandso's a ganger, soandso's overpowered, soandso's not a classy player". You're not changing anything. You're making it worse. Nothing more than the people you so despise.

And you know what? Everything I've ever seen in this game has led me to the conclusion that I should multi-kill and full-loot and that's what I plan on doing. When I'm done taking my break.

Chalk one up for the bad guy. :cool:

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Gotta agree with Valek here - everyone and his black dog seem to want to tell you you're 'doing it wrong' when you wax them. They are the people who run to the IMMs and complain and then attempt to abuse the 'rules' that are set on gangs and 'tag teams' (I mean WTF is a tag team anyway? - just because you're running from someone doesn't mean I shouldn't kick your @$$!!!).

I remember when the playerbase simply regulated ganging and unclassy-ness. It was simple - if you continually crossed the line then 'we' the other strong player hunted you down. It really wasn't all that hard.

That being said - we ALL did things we wouldn't do again. It is part of becoming a strong PK'r - at which point you can decide if you want to keep doing these things or not. Part of that decision is whether or not you want those five lvl 50s who are online scattered about the realms with the sole purpose of killing you.


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In the end any game is exactly what you make it. Example?

All games have cheat codes, but are you going to use them? I personally won't. The reason is 100% to retain the integrity of the game. Sure if I hit up down left right up down left right select start a b b a I can have infinite life, but thats not the point in playing Contra is it? It is that sense of accomplishment. Personally I give what I get, if you treat me as garbage you better believe I will get back on my feet, and you are who I am prepping to fight. Even if that means a disadvantage in who I SHOULD be fighting. The stigma of multiplayer games is always going to be the class of players. Inevitably there will be trashy, and garbage players. But just like any functional society we have ways of dealing with them. These people weed themselves out through their own actions. If Character A spends 50 hours trashing, full looting, and full saccing the majority of the pbase, they will get it back 10 fold, and once they get knocked down guess what happens. They get pummeled like a turkey dinner at the homeless shelter. So I say do your worst trashy, and OOC players. But be warned. Im not going away, and I WILL get over on you, and do not expect me (or anyone with a similar mentality) to EVER let up on you.

RE: Valek

Set a delpass

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1. I didn't delete anything! I swear, I'd tell you if I did. :P

2. I'm sick of watching people just take gold. You either HATE the person for killing you (I personally expect to see full looting going hand in hand with revenge) or you hate them enough to kill them, so at LEAST take half their ****!

3. I have a delpass on my current character. I also have an alias set for the delete command that sends me a tell to cool me off. How's that? :cool:

4. Yes, yes I will do everything I can to stay at 50. I will do everything I can to get that coveted first PK at 50....(no, I have no 50 PK's that I can remember at least)

5. No, number 4 does not embarrass me.

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Seeing as how my other thread became a rolling ball of negativity' date=' here's what grinds my gears.[/quote']

Even if some of your other post was negative, they were all passionate. As soon as people stop giving a damn, the game is doomed.

2. I'm sick of watching people just take gold. You either HATE the person for killing you (I personally expect to see full looting going hand in hand with revenge) or you hate them enough to kill them, so at LEAST take half their ****!

This is where that mercy crap conflicts with RP.

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Honestly, FL is not that hard of a game if you actually pay attention and learn from your mistakes. I have pinned 4 clerics, got better each time

1. Trynante - I learned how to take deaths lightly and control my anger when I lost.

2. Vorteges - I learned all of the shortcuts, the underdark like the back of my hand, and got a good grasp of the strengths and weaknesses of every class... also my first caballed character. V in Pandemonium

3. Uzegral - Capitalized on cleric knowledge by rolling a fire giant. Learned about key and lesser known items that are beneficial to casters/communers. Got chasing and running DOWN. First T in a cabal. Pretty good pk ratio, probably my most successful pk character.

4. Mhodis - Mastered my RP game, did good on my pk game. I jumped from M in trib to T immediately. I got pked by some power houses, but I overall, I feel he was my most solid (and short lived) characters.

Those characters range for like 3 years. Its hard to not get frustrated at level 50, but the more characters you get there and the longer you keep them, the better you'll ultimately get.

No one is amazing at anything the first time they try it. You wanna be good? YOU have to work for it. FL pissed me off for years and years... I couldn't pinn, I couldn't train, I would get so frustrated and not understand why I couldn't bang. I kept on and on because I was determined to be good at FL, because it is a game I thoroughly enjoying playing. It requires critical thinking, creativity, and adds competition to it. It is very enjoyable to me, as those are my favorite things to do.

But yeah. If you aren't pwning, then try harder, you'll eventually get there.

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I think the decision to loot and what to loot should be made character to character and not universally as a player. If you make this decision across the board as a player then you are negating RP.

I was being sarcastic. I always loot. I was pretending it wasn't mostly a tactical decision.

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That is my point exactly. If every character you make full loots then where is the RP value of the individual character?

Honestly, since the world is at war, and I've got four enemies logged on at once, yeah, I'm going to be relieving someone of all their earthly possessions as a tactical advantage. The only reason to not relieve all of them? Someone's going to get me before I can get all four.

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That is my point exactly. If every character you make full loots then where is the RP value of the individual character?

All of my characters eat and drink. They all wear armor. Most use weapons. I train them all. They all do their best. They all loot if they need that tactical advantage.

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You know what grinds my gears?????

This is what actually grinds my gears, While I love the Syndicate cabal and all I think there needs to be some kind of fix to the bounty system, this is why.

Rank 50 sucessful character either has to be in syndi or allies with syndi to survive which kills the rp of my current project entirely. Im tired of some character walking by me looking at me (now I cannot touch him) and his going to go bounty me. Ok we could have different views on life or even the same but I think the bounty system needs to be more rp based as well. This ohhh I like his crap maybe his head will roll and Ill get something nice out of it has got to go. Cmon im tired of being top 5 on the list because some A$$hat wants my crap and has never talked to me, screw trying to populate any cabal that is low on members because we have got to be in leige with syndi to keep the swarm of collecters off our trail.

Sorry just annoyed slightly. I just hope that the fixes to Syndi will include something to help this.

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I need three little Tribbies

to make a Tribbie pie,

there's nothing like the sound

when you hear a Tribbie die!

I might shoot somebody!

I might choose an axe!

The Syndi's in town, come and get your

Tribbie WHACKS!

Valek thats kinda funny but for the ending I would have went with

Tribbie SNACKS!

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I think that the bounty ante needs to be upped.

Anyone can get some light-steel gauntlets, a wicked trident, or the boots of protection and bounty anyone else (basically for free since these medium-level rares are always in and are easy to get). These kinds of bounties will not be refused because they are technically not trash bounties.

Basically, the item-bounty system is just the trash pit for rares. The person using the system doesn't have to give anything they would personally use. The person collecting the bounty (99%) of the time doesn't need the bounties. The rares can't be sold easily since they are easy to get (or for only very little gold). If only high-level or useful rares were to be allowed, somebody might have to actually remove a piece of useful equipment and set it as a bounty.

If that person doesn't have/can't get ahold of some useful rare, maybe they are just too poor to be using the system. That is why they have the option for gold/cps bounties (which are much less commonly used than item bounties).

Yes, that's right, nobody wants your 1-charge glimmering staff!

There is very little reason not to place a bounty. With a strong Syndi (like now), you can put a cheap bounty up and you will likely profit (eq-wise).

I don't think the idea was that the person who set the bounty would actually profit from the arrangement (aside from seeing the other char killed). Because it is a zero-risk, high-return investment, everyone will be bountied.

There is also no motivation to place anything more than the minimum bounty as all bounties must be chased regardless of the worth. 50k for a half-set of rares is a very, very enticing arrangement. On the flip side, 37.5k (what the hunter receives) for the loss of a good amount of cps and gaining a head (and usually a personal enemy) is usually not a good arrangement.

All in all, I personally see the bounty system as effectively broken right now (especially the RP motivations behind the hunter and bountier).

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