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Thank you, Imms!


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I don't get to play as often as I'd like (trust me, ten to fourteen hours a week is NOT enough), but I was talking to someone who's had more trouble than me holding his temper and breaks character fairly often.

And you know what?! Between this player and the other two I'm trying to currently tutor, I keep hearing about all this new IMM interaction! And it's got them psyched! They're loving it!

The one guy I'm talking about has had a few talking to's, well deserved talking to's, so when one of the new IMMs popped in on him training a few weeks ago, he figured he's in deep sh*t again. No, no, just some RP and something about a thread....;)

And you know what this led to? Later on that week, he got stomped by an undead wannabe. And instead of spouting off, he RP'ed. I've been trying so hard to press the issue of staying IC and RP'ing, especially after death to him. I've pressed the importance of possibly, but not having, to be afraid of someone higher rank, more powerful, etc...just react whatever way the character would react.

Now, I can't say he's going to be a Grade A RP'er, but I hope he will. He's moving out of my apartment complex here in about a week and I'll definitely miss the guy. It just almost brings a tear to my eye to hear about these events.

So, here's to you Mr. Imm of the Thread. :D

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I remember the other day helping certain lowbies do certain things in certain area. Then suddenly out of nowhere we meet one of the new IMMs doing certain things. We RPed for less than 5 minutes but it made things so much more realistic.

Thank you for your efforts new immortals <3

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