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Book suggestions for the bored as hell;

The Inner Temple of Witchcraft: Magick, Meditation, and Psychic Development

The Outer Temple of Witchcraft: Circles, Spells, and Rituals

The Temple of Shamanic Witchcraft: Shadows, Spirits, and the Healing Journey

The Temple of High Witchcraft: Ceremonies, Spheres, and The Witches Qabalah

Witchcraft: A tradition Renewed

Demon Lover

The Goat Foot God

The Sea Princess

Heh, just a few off the top of my head. You may also enjoy;

The First Book of Esdras

The Second Book of Esdras



The Wisdom of Solomon

and Baruch

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I'm excited. I wonder what's going on! Madness time? :)

Yeah, kind of chomping at the bit myself. Was it blademaster or adventurer that caused the last lock down anyone remember? Irrelivent I supse, the staff here has never failed to impress me, some of you may not realize just how awesome some of the subtle differences between this mud and its predecessors can be. Things that may appear simple on the surface, but change the overall play and mental attitude of its players. Off hand I would rank the quest system, and spells'skills unique to Aabahran , as well as varius "paths" individuals of certain guilds can choose, among their greatest accomplishments. Hmm maybe I should go write a review....

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Actually, from what I can tell, the server may have just experienced momentary issues. It does not seem like it was an issue caused by us. Nevertheless, I took the opportunity to bring in a couple of changes that I was saving to put in when I had a larger chunk.

MOTD updated. MUD open.

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[11/05/09]: Warmaster Curatives are no longer considered rare for Crusaders

[11/05/09]: Formula for assassinate has been tweaked

[11/05/09]: Cost for capturing bastions has been increased

[11/05/09]: Cost for capturing areas has been decreased

[11/05/09]: Leadership bonus has been made more useful

[11/05/09]: Monk trip versus the balance skill has been given a chance to fail

[11/05/09]: Proper message will be displayed when Tiger Claw drops protective shield

[11/05/09]: Restorative spells will now properly take alignment into considerations

[11/05/09]: Wizlist has been updated.

Dam Warmasters and their never ending curatives :(

Great assassinate got the Axe. :D

Leadership ? Great news, i never bothered to risk assassinate by standing there for a long time. If things change, we will always find PK at the bastion.

Monks now can trip throw balance ? What use is that ? Aren't monks the only class with balance in the first place ? Someone explain this to me.

It's not bad, just can't understand motive.

So Twin tiger claw drops protective shield :D Not that i ever seen that happen in combat, since it takes to much time.

Restorative spells ? What did this fix, we could not already cure oposed aligment.

Malch you forgot your greatest change.

Guild quests now grant small amounts of CP. This is great. :)

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Blademasters get a Balance skill ?

If it's deathwever i understand. That shows those overpowering Blademasters.

Restorative spells will now properly take alignment into considerations.

This part relates to being able to cure others ailments that are not of your alignment. I.E evil curing goods maledicts.

I don't about you, but we cannot cure evils as a good for a long time, quite a few years. This was an intentional change. Never liked it. Never understood why, to.

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