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[50 Dwarf Bla] <PK> [WARMASTER] Dagoneto the Doomblade


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| Dagoneto || Juggernaut of BARBARIAN |
| Str: 21(21)^1 || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 475(285h) |
| Int: 18(18) || Class: blademaster Ethos: neutral |
| Wis: 21(21) || Race : dwarf Align: neutral |
| Dex: 18(18)^3 || Hp : 1139/1159 Exp : 203420/440380 |
| Con: 25(25) || Mana : 697/772 |
\ Lck: [||||--] \/ Move : 459/475 +Hit: 61 +Dam: 35 /
| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Lytholm |
| Slash : -260 || Spell : -18 || Faith : Combat |
| Pierce: -250 || Afflictive : -4 || Weight: 240/425 |
| Blunt : -248 || Maledictive: -15 || Items : 34/35 |
| Magic : -177 || Mental : -14 || Prac : 9 Train: 0 |
| Weapon: low || Pos: right || Gold : 37k CP: 3.3k |
/ Condition: You are in the prime of your health. \
| Anatomy :Mob Human Elf Dwarf DemiHum Giant Beast Flying Uniqu |
| 100 100 120 110 81 110 110 93 100 |
| You are ready for a cabal promotion. |
| You are drunk. |
| [WARMASTER] forces are aiding your feet and stamina. |

Around 60 skills mastered.

Well, it's time for ol' Dago to go. I've been planning for quite some

time to leave him, but the level of deckedness he was at would keep

me going a bit more, and a bit more. The reasons were stacking though

and finally after the kill sneaky Virarc got on me, I knew that was it.

Virarc, you are one superb player, and knowing who is behind the character

makes me feel good knowing I could stand against you. Was waiting for

my ban to be lifted to make a goodbye thread and as soon as that happened

I started writing my shoutouts. Virarc came online though and I wanted a

last go at you. You fought incredible and that coupled with a damn lucky

blind from that ember got me.

PDeaths - 6 - Masokant, Turnus, 3 times Philantees, Virarc.

Dagoneto had around 400 hours under his belt, don't know the exact number

due to some problems...

Shout outs:

Lytholm - I will be honest and I will say I got mixed feelings about

you. Thank you for letting me in at my 35th rank. I don't think Dagoneto

would have become what he was if I had to wait 100 hours at my pinnacle

to get a chance to apply. On the other hand, I don't know what your reason

had to keep him around 300 hours at T having in mind his performance. I've

said it before and I will say it again, watching people join cabals when I

am T, get Eldership before me AND delete, then me spending 100 more hours

after them and still being T really put me off and this was one of the main

reasons to let him go.

Scholin/Deykari - Dagoneto was lucky to play in a time with such a

character. Dey, you are a true diamond and every little second I spent

with you was well worthy. You managed to motivate me with incredible

efficiency. Hopefully, I will have the pleasure to play by your side

once again.

Svenik - You improved a thousand times over the time we spent together.

While I struggled against Virarc, it seemed like you were having quite

an easy time. The guy just wouldn't give up though and kept coming back

eh? :)

Virarc - hell man, you're a beast. You were one of the few that would

put me on my toes. I hated the speed with which you burn through my consumables,

and most of the times that would be the reason for me logging off after fighting

you. Very well played. Major props.

Warloh - one of the old Savants which I hated fighting, not because of his

strength, but mostly because of the fact that he would simply run around

and burn my consumables.

Kanthe - I remember you! Where are you? Please PM me if you are still here.

You were doing quite well for a new player with a reaaaaally bad combo.

Salith - I was really surprised by the speed with which evils were leaving the

lands when you enter. Always wanted to have a duel with you, but due to your RP

that was impossible.

Slagg - You remind me of ol' Thrix. Keep rocking.

Funtador - Hopefully you will manage to deal with the beast of a mage that

Virarc is. Good luck.

Philantees - WTF? You strong bastard. You were my bane. I've dealt with other

vampires but I was often stunned by your strength, speed and whatever. After

the three kills you got on me, I simply put it as my goal to get an ally with

so I don't have to deal with you. Philantees is the strongest vampire I have

ever fought. Well done.

I am sure I am missing a lot of people, put poke me if you feel like it.

I made Dagoneto with the thought of a drunken dwarf who loves women and

all the problems that come with them. A true neutral in my mind, he would

NEVER engange anyone who hasn't done something bad him. Having a bad temper

though and being a Barbarian made me take some quite sharp actions against

certain characters which used to be his friends, but with their actions

became my enemies. I've had 3 such cases:

Uruvion (sp?) - That situation we had we you was quite an interesting one.

I will explain how things looked from my point of view: first there is Scholin,

a light-walker and a friend of yours. Now Scholin gets bitten by Philly and

becomes an undead. Then I hear that you are after her. Of course, I step up

and try to protect her while she is weak telling you to leave her alone or else.

You on the other hand, said that I wouldn't do anything to you. I saw you there

in the ford and engaged you, just to give you warning shot that I am being serious.

You fled and there was a bit of flaming by your side, including calling me weak

and threatening me with Lytholm. That was unnacceptable for Dagoneto.

Turnus - Starting with being friends, after a reaaaally reaaaally long duel

in which you were simply running around, a duel in which I wasted all of my

consumables, I simply gave up and left the area. You felt that as an insult

though and decided to attempt to kill me while I was not prepared and with my

buffs down while our cabals are allied. This raised a lot of RP questions in

my head, but what the hell. You also sent a note asking for a "disciplinary

punishment". I LOLed :P

Rothen - Now this situation we had we with was quite confusing. What happened?

First there is this ninja who wants to get into warmaster, so I have a duel with

him to see if he can do without his spells. I didn't like the outcome though i.e.

the said ninja would often run around using his cure light spell. So I ask you

to duel him with me watching the duel - I wanted to put some RP in and stuff like

that. So the duel begins. You are the one who starts, and instead of the ninja,

you attack me. I rund away, you chase and engage me AGAIN. Due to me not being

prepared, I recall. Then I start calling you stupid and stuff like that, everything

stays in character though. Now, that ninja's name had the exact two first letters

of his name as Dagoneto (Dane or something like that, can't remember). So, we start

the whole duel again, you against him, me folling him and watching. Once again, you

attack me, I flee, you attack me again, I am left with 300 HP (out of my 1100).

I retreat, recover, place a deathmark on you and engage you. I (and dagoneto) was

furious by incompetence and by the fact that you blame me for your incompetence -

I remember you saying something along the lines that I shouldn't have stayed in

his room when we look so much alike (an avain and a dwarf wtf?) when the whole

purpose of the duel was me to watch. Oh well.

Dagoneto was my first barbarian. I had no idea of the Barbarian skills, but when

I became T, I gasped. I've been in almost any cabal, but the way those skills worked

made it quite clear to me that I've rolled a powerhouse. With time passing I learned

how to use those skills to my best advantage and create an effect which Mya calls

"Burst of damage". Due to the fact that a lot of people weren't aware how exactly

barbarian skills work, I would often get complains that my character is bugged.

And believe me, it was. NONE of the bugs though was in my favour, except one which

returned a couple of lives to me at the cost of 4k CPs. Almost every month I would

post about bugs in the prayer forum, asking them if they could fix them. And they

always did. Over and over, and over again. In the end Dagoneto wasn't feeling like

a character but like a broken car who gets a little thing broken every now and then.

I was simply tired of annoying the immortals and I can't play a character that has

something broken. Svenik getting back to activity and the new Warmasters kept me

going for a bit. Things stack though.

Future? I have a few combos in my mind which I wanna try, but with a new job I have

next to no free time and I am considering stepping away from the Mud for a while.

I am trully tired of the dependence to consumables meles have. After Warloh was gone,

I had a bit of a break and with an endless streak of weak savants, it didn't feel

much of a problem. With the arrival of Virarc though, things changed, on top of that

his cabal abilities hit my most weak points - my consumables.

Oh look, I made a huge essay...

PS. Grim, I hope that char ain't as insignificant as the last one? :P

Name Won Lost Refused
Jenounes : 3 0 0
Sandor : 2 0 0
Thrug : 2 0 0
Slagg : 0 1 0
Salalanka : 1 0 0
Saeryn : 1 0 0
Dvarus : 1 0 0
Skrum : 1 0 0
Velkyr : 2 0 0
Irisithraxis : 1 0 0
Ansam : 1 0 0
Helcion : 1 0 0
Faye : 1 0 0
Lonin : 1 0 0
Turnus : 0 1 2
Kraevorn : 1 0 0
Warloh : 1 0 1
Draxus : 2 0 0
Elwarick : 3 0 0
Koortu : 1 0 0
Rothen : 5 0 0
Hlecla : 2 0 0
Gwomyth : 0 0 1
Trevil : 1 0 0
Gruudik : 1 0 0
Scholin : 2 3 0
Kanthe : 7 0 0
Onalraer : 0 1 0
Koden : 4 0 0
Kirack : 3 0 0
Ravanis : 1 0 0
Araynath : 0 0 1
Ekitrafh : 0 1 0
Varinov : 4 3 0
Rrsolterin : 0 1 1
Ollian : 2 0 0
Maeryn : 2 0 0
Svenik : 7 0 0
Erilaan : 1 0 0
Harish : 3 0 0
Aryndor : 2 0 0
Kaylia : 0 0 1
Kurvikhel : 0 0 2
Meriazi : 1 0 0
Mukthul : 3 0 0
Pildo : 5 0 0
Gorbak : 1 0 0
Elliendii : 1 0 0
Crespos : 3 0 0
Mendin : 1 0 0
Kyril : 2 0 1
Elarus : 1 0 0
Hhaan : 1 0 0
Nahlrie : 1 0 0
Vandres : 1 0 0
Gan : 2 0 0
Melia : 1 0 0
Andrella : 1 0 0
Funtador : 2 1 0
Mayier : 1 0 0
Fought 113 Refused: 10

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Great character. :D

I never thought it was you...

I just want to say that your character was completely overpowering for a Cleric.

There was nothing, i mean nothing i could think that would harm you.

I even computed your saves by equipment. Max saves for all types.

How you could never kill me in a fair fight, i do not know. Your one record was due to that Mino charging me. Stupid mino charge.

So that you know, fighting Dagoneto was 4 rounds of combat. Flee, wield weapon and shield, run and cure. And i mean run all over the Ford.

He didn't even get scratched.

Cursed weapon ? Gone, sacked no point in using them.

I even asked the Imms what should i do when fighting you.

Answer: Ouch...

Still don't know how i burned consumables on you.

Pitty that you are going off. I have a project, long run thing that might be interesting vs you.

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  • Implementor

Think things over, if you are SURE you will not come back, please cabal leave. An interesting character that brought up some Imm discussion and will probably lead to a certain change regarding WM - monk/blademaster combi.

Good luck on your next project. We could use a Watcher or another WM now...:P

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You were good to interact with - you will be missed. I hope you noticed you did get Elder at the end. I though you were a valuable cabal member and did a lot of good things.

As for promotions in WM - you'll find getting to T is probably easier than other cabals. I set the bar pretty minimally for that. Getting further than that, however, requires quite a lot. Once I appoint Es and Ls in WM I generally attempt to divest myself of running the cabal and clan. This means I have to be extra sure about those I allow into those roles in WM. The upside is that you get to do (almost) anything what you want with the cabal if you can gain Lytholm's trust.

Hope you come back to WM again soon.



PS - I'd be interested if you sent me a list of the 'bugs' so I can look into them.

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I had not really interacted with you much lately Dago, however, you were extremely strong and a challenge to battle. The fact that during the times of my previous characters played blademasters were non-existant didn't help my cause.

Thanks for your props, I've had reasonable practice with vampires though so I would hope to be at least halfway competent. I do not generally have trouble fighting vampires myself, with exceptions to Viri's who seemed to roll me every time (he was a bit 'special' though). If you haven't played one, do so, and you'll find yourself much better equipped to fight them.

In the end, attrition seemed to be the go against you, which I tell you, is quite backward and difficult to accomplish with a vampire. Running you out of mana was about the only way to land a kill.

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@ Mya: It was clear from the start that you were the player behind Warloh. I was being extremely careful against you. You would kill ANY of the other warmasters and I was often surprised by the tactics you would use. You really know how to use the environment for your advantage and you made not one or two warmasters delete. That one time I got you, you were attacking the altar and I was defending. Also, against blademasters and monks, especially if they are warmasters, you need NO DROP weapon. I fought Scholin with my Nexus voker and believe me, I lost 10 fully charged staffs in matter of minutes. "How you could never kill me in a fair fight, i do not know." - A smart cleric is almost unkillable, so don't wonder too much :) No idea what you mean with "max saves", but there is my score sheet and it is with the best items in the game a blademaster can wear. As for you hurting me, you would hurt me quite often and quite hard sometimes, I usually have a large stack of consumables though which I don't think twice about using.

@ Lytholm: I had posted quite a few times in the prayer forum, but usually I had to bump them a few times to get some response, so I stopped posting and started sending notes directly to Anume (sorry :P ), since she would be the only one replying to my posts anyway. As for another WM, I have found out that WM is my favourite cabal and I can't help it, so I will make a new one, just don't know when. Now I feel like rolling a mage or something... who knows what I am gonna end up doing though.

@ Toten: I don't know about running me out of mana, but you ran me out of moves TWICE. And we are talking about a mounted, flying warmsater with 500 moves and who sleeps every hour. I was absolutely stunned. I had no problem 1 on 1, but your healing abilities were astonishing and my chasing such weren't the best, but hey, this is what WM does to you - makes you a great fighter and a lame chaser :P I really wanna improve my chasing abilities and once I decide what to make, I will point it towards that direction.

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I was not Warloh. I know who is Warloh, but lets not name other people characters.

Anyway, I did use no drops. A Maul and a Shield. I did catch on that. Staff for Rangers. Nodrops for Blademasters.

Next time try throwing random Lag Criticals. One third of the Time during our fights my protective shield was down. :P

Also the best way to ensure that people stays in fights (like clerics), is to show them that they have a high chance of killing you.

This is why, i cure critical only to 49% during final phase of battles.

Not against you. I would not cast offensively without 80% HP.

"Running a WM out of moves that is flying, and mounted no less, is incredible. That should NOT be possible :-/"

Clerics have refresh, they can outmove a Warmaster.

Paladins can probably outmove a Warmaster.

Plagues/Poison/Enfeblement kill moves.

There are items that cast poison/plague.

I was once Enfebled by something. Cant recall what.

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@ Mya: It was clear from the start that you were the player behind Warloh. I was being extremely careful against you. You would kill ANY of the other warmasters and I was often surprised by the tactics you would use. You really know how to use the environment for your advantage and you made not one or two warmasters delete. That one time I got you, you were attacking the altar and I was defending. Also, against blademasters and monks, especially if they are warmasters, you need NO DROP weapon. I fought Scholin with my Nexus voker and believe me, I lost 10 fully charged staffs in matter of minutes. "How you could never kill me in a fair fight, i do not know." - A smart cleric is almost unkillable, so don't wonder too much :) No idea what you mean with "max saves", but there is my score sheet and it is with the best items in the game a blademaster can wear. As for you hurting me, you would hurt me quite often and quite hard sometimes, I usually have a large stack of consumables though which I don't think twice about using.

@ Lytholm: I had posted quite a few times in the prayer forum, but usually I had to bump them a few times to get some response, so I stopped posting and started sending notes directly to Anume (sorry :P ), since she would be the only one replying to my posts anyway. As for another WM, I have found out that WM is my favourite cabal and I can't help it, so I will make a new one, just don't know when. Now I feel like rolling a mage or something... who knows what I am gonna end up doing though.

@ Toten: I don't know about running me out of mana, but you ran me out of moves TWICE. And we are talking about a mounted, flying warmsater with 500 moves and who sleeps every hour. I was absolutely stunned. I had no problem 1 on 1, but your healing abilities were astonishing and my chasing such weren't the best, but hey, this is what WM does to you - makes you a great fighter and a lame chaser :P I really wanna improve my chasing abilities and once I decide what to make, I will point it towards that direction.

Well then, I don't know why I found you meditating a couple of times :D (insta death) and able to be lag locked. :P

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mya, since you don't play melees, or perhaps, have never played a warmaster, I'll let you think you're right on that one. Warmaster's should always be next to impossible to outrun.

And I'm sure an immortal can agree with me on that. Even enfeebled.

I don't think she's saying that you're wrong... but in the instances she mentioned... a Paladin WILL outlive a Warmaster in terms of moves given that heroism = 1 move used regardless terrain type, mounted or unmounted... poison/plague will hinder move regen (the former not so much admittedly), so over long distances there is a real disadvantage there for anyone VS someone not poison/plagued. Enfeeble does make a difference too.

Seeing as that's just 4 situations where a Warmaster may struggle to outrun someone out of the countless overall running scenarios, I'd say that'd constitute being "always be next to impossible to outrun". :P


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Since this is no restricted skill info:

Poison - cuts your move regeneration by a %. ( Other regens to.)

Plague - Sets move and Mana regen to 0. Damages your HP. At least did last time i died haggard to it.

Enfeeblement - Increases the mount of moves you lose when you move.

I do not care how much moves you take per room, you will always take one. Or does Ethereal Passage not take moves ? Lol Shaman Running on a series of Passages... :P

Anyhow, so a Plagued Warmaster, will not outmove a character that can refresh his moves... unless he miraculously can regen while on Plague. Which i will tell you is Overpowering.

And then there is Caltraps ... etc. Good thing i play Clerics :P

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Dagoneto was like, Scholin's brother. You were just a real beast, really thorough with your approach to PK. As Leader, even though I treat Dagoneto as like my 'right hand man', I knew if it ever came down to a leadership challenge, you'd beat me silly all over the shop.

Had a lot of fun roleplay too, especially when WM/battle was booming with members and someone would speak to you in slightly the wrong way. ;)

Good luck with your next.


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Damn Dago, I had big plans for us :( I'll miss your character being around, hopefully I'll still be alive and kicking when you make your next one. But probably wont be. Anyway, you were a hell of an ally. Things got rocky once Scholin left, but I think the two of us held it down pretty well for all the wars we were in and it just being a two man cabal for so long. Was looking forward to having some major Arguements about which direction to go with us both eldered, but ohh well. Anyhow, Great Character, hope you bring him back since he's still alive. Or atleast don't take too long. Make a mage quick so I can condeath you and get you to make a warmaster ;P

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Kinda odd how you have no record of fighting me, I know you dmarked me a few times.. I hate those rods you collected and kept ready for me.. I could do nothing to prevent myself from dying to you at all, you put out too much damage too fast and exploiting my vuln did not help..:P Great char, good luck on the next..

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Just to add a few points which I have forgotten in my first post.

When I first made Dagoneto, there were mainly two characters to worry about. Kurvikhel (a beastly illithid necromancer), who at that time was a leader of Syndicate with more than 150 bounties collected, and Masokant (oldie demon DKN with three malform at 10), whom at that time was Elder of Nexus. Those two were often fighting each other, but I knew that if I wanted to be successful I needed a character that can have the upper hand against them. A character with a magic resistance that cannot be lagged. I had multiple pre-pinn characters at that time but Dago overwhelmed the rest.

And that is how Dagoneto was born :)

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Hrmm, I never let other characters out there persuade my choice. I usually just think of what kind of character I want and go with it. Sometimes it has Something to do with someone I've seen or a character I've had before, but when i made my current for example, I hadn't been on before I rolled him in over 8 months, so I had no clue who was running what. I always power rank and do zero training/practicing. I just master defenses and main weapons during ranking and do the rest as I start to pk. Which is why you saw so much improvement from the beginning from me Foxx, one because I had nothing mastered when i first got in warmaster, and two because I was always at work playing in the beginning so half of my duels I started then got pulled away and just sat there to lose. Now I only get on when I can be atleast 80% focused, and I think I might quit my job soon which will give me plenty of play time ;) Atleast until I take a new job, which can't wait too long since the bills dont stop coming. Anyway, I miss your character lots already, so i do hope you get back into him, or make another wm soon.

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