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It's not like I disappeared, I actually had to go to a funeral, then my schedule at work changed to the morning shift and I have been just too tired to even sign on.


Mindflayer I second, ever character he has had during Palwen's time made me want to cry and run to the corner.


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1. Deykari- I do not know if this guy is still here, but I have yet to meet a non imm who brought more to this game than our resident drunken brit. Best of luck where ever you are Dey. Gobble Gobble.

2. Mindflayer- Never has any other player consistantly caused those adrenaline rushes before, and during a fight. The best part about you is in my personal opinion your RP is leaps and bounds above your PK. You consistantly put forth the effort to elevate yourself beyond just a pker, and that effort is appreciated.

3. Nekky- Known for taking underrated combos, as well as odd cabal choices and making them work very well. Your RP is consistant, and your pk is just as strong. I dread the day you begin rolling power combos. Badly.

4. Ladyoki- In a world as harsh as FL you have made your duty SOLELY the intellectual advancement of our Pbase. Through notes, RP, and subtle guidance you have probable affected more chars than any other char in FL history.

5. Anume- Where to begin with you. Hell since the first time I EVER interacted with you (over 4 years ago?) you have made yourself a very welcome addition to my daily routine. I find myself not only enjoying our interactions, but trying to force them to happen. I am sad when I think of what FL would be without you.

6.Malchaeius- Enigmatic, violent, and to the point. I used to approach you with RP ideas I thought where AWESOME, then you would send a few demonic, twisted tells and suddenly my chars belief structure was abrely a house of straw. Rip, tear, slit, and slay. Im glad you use emote more than these (with me at least)

7. Anyone who holds RP above their PK. I love seeing obviously new players, who are struggling with EQ, training, and PK. BUT are showing insane promise as far as RP. Every time I see one of these I am immediately hoping we are growing another Deykari.

Sorry to those not on the list, my interactions IC to OOC are limited to forums so you very well could have been intended as someone I would list, but I simply cannot connect the forum entity with your in game persona(s)

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