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Virarc, Goldax & Sithmord


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I have come to the conclusion that I am way too addicted to this game for my own good... I need to focus on RL for a while, and I have trouble doing that when playing here because the mud is on my mind all the time. It is not without difficulty that I delete all my current characters. The most well-known are Virarc, Goldax and Sithmord.

Goldax: I am going to regret deleting him for some time I suspect, but it will pass eventually I hope. Because I really wanted to try malforms with a new religion; guile. Special thanks to Nahdeiah. It was awesome rp:ing with you, dear :) And everyone else I ranked up with. And Mesiko, I hope you didn't take things personal. I don't want to rank in a hiding area with a ninja who is after my head :P

Sithmord: I made him to just fun around with, try different zombies and to kill powerhouses (blademasters excluded :P ). I didn't RP much with him, so some people probably saw him as a bit of a trash char :P

Virarc: I put down a lot of work in Virarc (RP-wise). A lot more than I usually do. For the first time I really felt I would get the avatar that I had sought for so long, but then my char gets bugged, and I can't play him anymore :( Maybe Zhokril could fix him eventually, but I was way too addicted to Virarc anyway, so I hope this is for the best. It was a pretty big disappointment for me when I found out that Kyril had done almost the exact same thing as me very recently (savant avatar), but I tried to find my own unique RP.

This was my first savant and I found that the skills were about as strong as I expected. As a bmage I was tough against pretty much any class. Blademasters and rangers gave me the hardest time (as usual :P ),apart from ninjas (freaking Kaylia :P ). On the bright side for you, there are now quite a few very attractive uniques and rares back in circulation.

Virarc's scoresheet just before I deleted him:


| Virarc || Temporum of TEMPORUM |


| Str: 18(18)^2 || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 408(233h) |

| Int: 25(25) || Class: battlemage Ethos: chaotic |

| Wis: 20(20) || Race : elf Align: good |

| Dex: 23(23)^5 || Hp : 910/910 Exp : 51550/540450 |

| Con: 13(16)^4 || Mana : 1313/1313 |

\ Lck: [||||--] \/ Move : 497/497 +Hit: 7 +Dam: 11 /


| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Irumeru |

| Slash : -441 || Spell : -30 || Faith : Purity |

| Pierce: -460 || Afflictive : -43 || Weight: 289/325 |

| Blunt : -455 || Maledictive: -45 || Items : 34/41 |

| Magic : -498 || Mental : -34 || Prac : 7 Train: 0 |

| || || Gold : 44k CP: 1.6k |


/ Condition: You have a few cuts and bruises. \

| You are ready for a cabal promotion. |

| You are wanted for crimes. Use "crimes" for details |


Thanks to everyone in warmaster and nexus for the good fights.

Special thanks:

Nyra - We had epic fights all over the lands. You never really got to fight me without ubersaves, except in the beginning, but you still managed to make me run at times using your little tricks. You were not easy to catch, and when I got you it was always because of my savant skills.

Kaylia - Are you still walking around with my three heads? Hmph. I once had a nightmare where I was multikilled by this ninja. I woke up all sweaty, it wasn't fun :/ Ever since our first disputes you became very catious, which I disliked of course, heh. I so hate ninjas in the shadows.

Svenik & Dagoneto - You two were my toughest fights, and I am sorry I couldn't keep up my friendly attitude towards you. Excellent chars. Have you gained back all the land yet Svenik, heh?

Lahnidas - Kind of like fighting Nyra, but scarier because of your spells and extra spellevel(s). We had epic fights as well, running around and fleeing from each other. I wanted to defeat you so badly :P

Duraziel - Great char. Very nice RP and a freaking tough arguer. Haven't seen you on for a while, but best of luck to you against the warmasters.

Mephisoleer - We had some great fights, but after that you seemed to avoid me. Congrats on dual level 10 malforms also.

Slagg - I noticed you got back recently. I miss our fights.

Tribunal goodies - Hope it wasn't me that discouraged you away from Tribunal with my strong combo and arrogant attitude. Except for Tolo, keep it up man =)

Andrella - You are a freaking powerhouse, and a very good friend IG. Sorry about what I did with sithmord, but I reaaaally have a special kind of hate towards power rangers with their camo and uberoffense. Hope you aren't mad at me.

Caidon - Dude, are you a priest in real life or something? :P Very well played.

Arvelo - Keep it up.

Patreus - My best interaction with you was probably when I entered the lands right in front of you with sithmord, heh. You were a good friend to Virarc also.

Oppressant - Congrats on trusted. Too bad you never got to fight me while decked. Would have been interesting.

Faye - Never saw you again after our fight with sithmord. Too bad.

Funtador - Quick and fun. Good fights. I had trouble catching you up. Once you get trusted, I probably would have had to run from you more.


Eshaine - You are the best, no question... You are the feel good-imm. But you are also upholding the laws of the mud =)

Zhokril - Heh, you are almost as scary as Malchaeius IG. I love your cool intelligence.

Haesierph - Awesome roleplayer. When I'm talking to you IG you feel like a real person with your emotes.

Lytholm - It was funny when you began following before a PK and forgot to cloak yourself =D

Everyone else

As a last remark, I still feel that the waiting time for a qrace/class is too long. I waited over a month for avatar, and still hadn't received an answer. At level 50, and especially within a cabal, it's not that bad I guess. But to wait that long at level 30. Ugh.

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Oh man, your characters are so good :)

Haven't fought Goldrax but I had some tackles with the little necromancer and then of course, Virarc.

What you tried to do with Virarc was intersting, I really don't like it how there are rock solid vendettas and in the note I sent, I explained why. But then, on the other hand, I can see the reason. Hell, if you want to eradicate all evil then you should have joined the knights. Then we could have been friends, and oh my, it would have been one nice friendship :)

Virarc was very VERY tough. As I've said before, I never expected to have so much of a problem against a race in which I have a mastery. What you did with him, and how you fought your way through myself and Svenik was truly amazing. Good luck in RL, and I hope, no, I am sure you will come back one day. I just hope it's sooner :)

PS. I like how Lytholm does some funny mistakes from time to time, reminds me that immortals ain't perfect and are just players like us. Once he would follow myself while I was fighting Twin's shaman, then sometimes there would be gold on the ground, so when I walk past such room, I would see, "Someone picks some gold". I would absolutely panic, eat a pill, type where, type who. Then I don't see anyone... and I would just realize that it's just Lytholm following me and his little gold picking trigger going off. Made me chuckle :P

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To be honest, I knew it was H&R from the start :)

Just as I knew Goldrax was also him. No idea who Sithmord was, but when I saw that log against Faye, man it was a pleasure to read. You can rarely see a necromancer do so well. I don't about the past, but nowadays, all I know is that I can *eat* necromancers with any blademaster. Sithmord was doing quite well, and on the other hand, Kurvi (which means bitches in my native language, I am serious), did very very well against myself, I was quite surprised :)

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Ditto on what Foxx said, I thought your little rp plot with virarc was really cool. I was shocked everytime you defeated me and I could move again, you probably noticed most times I quickly ran out of the room incase you were just waiting to finish the job. Sorry about when you did finally have to and you took my stuff, I was a bit dissapointed about the pull from the rp you were doing, but I understood completely. especially when I got penalized for not going after you the one time right before that, I knew it was gonna have to come to an end. But I think I would have fought harder if I knew you were gonna finish the job ;P Good luck man, definately a solid character.

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Dude, I hated Virarc.. only because I was an evil stuck in the same cabal as you though ;) you had amazing RP I thought, a truly top class character, would have been good to see what you could accomplish if he stuck around. And you absolutely carried Savant :D This is also the first time anyone has mentioned one of my chars in a goodbye thread, so thanks! :D Hope you come back soon, but it's good to see you getting your priorities sorted. All the best.

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Correction. A smart ILLITHID necromancer can cripple a blademaster. And even then' date=' it's still not a guaranteed fight.[/quote']

No, a smart necromancer. I'm not speaking about an innate racial ability, but I'm not giving away my secrets either. There is a very nice way to shut down deathweaver.

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