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[Storm] Darfenius Oglundaski the Bow Bearer


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I think it proof that the gods deliver, where men only offer.

And to the player. Utterly Outstanding RP. Been following this story in game myself, Kudos to the IMM's for not letting such devotion slip through the cracks. Having done the good drow, and demon worshipping elf, I have come to believe the Imms here really care about the "players" rp ideas.

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My very first character on AR was a fire dk. And my first "GOOD" character there was a storm paladin ;P Back before they stopped allowing both of those. Storm paladins were WAY over powered. It was insane. Same with Fire dk's. More so to the pally though. So that's gonna be an interesting one to see play out. Side effects or not, so many advantages to the combination, imo.

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Remember Deys fae serk? If you get a race - class combi that is not standard' date=' expect there to be some ... side effects ;)[/quote']

I hope he did not lose key Paladin abilities, like Mounted Combat. :(

I would feel robed, if i was fighting him and he could not Mounted charge.

Probably lost Goliath and Trance or something.

Going to be hard playing a Paladin and only having like 50 mana regen :P

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