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[50 Kobol Nin] <PK> (Sacred Oak [T]) (OUTLAW) (WANTED) Wuuipo the Master of the Miyam


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Well, I logged in today to find myself rare purged and cabal kicked. I thought I had more time to get my hours in, but it is evident that was not the case. So I'm shelving (likely for a long time) the character and I hope you enjoyed him. There's a new set of rares out there so get crackin!

Gradrel: Thank you alot for the opportunity to get in and the consistent RP attention.

Saffra: Thank you SO much for helping me with your words of encouragement against the Tribunal that gave me so much trouble. You really inspired confidence in me and got me to play a lot longer than I had anticipated. You are valuable to this game.

Watcher: I didn't know any of you. I felt alone for the better part of my life. Sorry I wasn't around more.

Svenik and Virarc: My two "big" buddies that could kick my *** but never would, thanks for the talks, and the duels. (I think I dueled you Svenik, not sure)

Tribunal: I tried to be as big a thorn in your side as I could and wound up dead more often than not. Cheers!

I think I improved alot with this character, and had some sort of fun. We'll see what I roll up next.

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Very good race/class to start out with (if you're that new). I had a lot of fun fighting you and a lot of the time I underestimated you completely, something I do a lot lately that I need to STOP doing :(

You did very well, good job killing me that one time way back when, and I'm glad you stuck it out. Good times. Now go create another and get 10x better :)


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