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Tournament - Thanks to everyone!!!


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I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who helped Svenik and myself plan and run today's tournament. Thank's also to everyone who showed up and had a good time :-D

I hope everyone enjoyed themself - even the lone mage who I had to warn off :-P Nothing personal.

I might try to run these on a semi-regular basis if there is interest. Today's numbers were a good start. I also have some ideas for other 'interesting' battles we can have ;-)



PS - Zho hits like a girl :-P

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Come on Lytholm...join the dark side. Come destroy the establishment with me...then we'll go have pizza. Come on...I know you love pizza.

Anyway, I love that the global RP is back! Props to you Lytholm for fostering it from on high. Props to you Svenik for being invested enough to not only care about you own RP enough to develop it to this level, but to include others to expand on it.

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I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who helped Svenik and myself plan and run today's tournament. Thank's also to everyone who showed up and had a good time :-D

I hope everyone enjoyed themself - even the lone mage who I had to warn off :-P Nothing personal.

I might try to run these on a semi-regular basis if there is interest. Today's numbers were a good start. I also have some ideas for other 'interesting' battles we can have ;-)



PS - Zho hits like a girl :-P

I think it's a good idea. I had several ideas for some "events" too, but after the battle royal, and the way things went, and the length of the first two match ups before that I knew there just wasn't time to even try anything else. I thought your free for all was a good solution to wrap things up. Would have been nice if everyone didn't die and lose so much, but it happens I suppose ;) I think this would be a good way to induct warmasters, take four pinned battle clan members and have them do a last man standing for the spot in WM, the winner gets in at V, the second place at M, and third place at I, fourth place waits till another shot. Anyway, had a lot of fun, wish I had more time today, but mid afternoon is not the most open for me usually. Thanks again to everyone, hope you all had fun too.


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If you die in normal pk, you might well loose everything. Don't see what the big deal is with loosing a couple items. (Think I lost 7 total, one I was very glad to get rid of :D , getting all but one back shouldn't be much of a problem.)

All in all, a lot of fun, thank you Lytholm & Svenik.

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Prizes to the top three will be handed out in the near future.

Edit: As there is some disagreement on who actually came out 2nd and 3rd we'll leave it at one prize this time. Next event should get us a few more prizes, so keep yourself updated on Lytholms follow up tournament.

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