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Drexmer CRishcrush


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You did very well this time - I was glad to see you coming along. If you liked blm's roll another else do something else.

I hope you come back soon - understand some players are very good with certain things and it takes a lot to unseat them. That's not to say you can't do it - it just takes some time to get your experience up to the level you need it to be. Its also something that remains sharp as long as you do it - but dulls quickly. Come back to lvl 50 with another character to PK - you'll be amazed as what you can achieve.

An evil cleric is a different look at life and you can easily get around and get id's etc for your next melee. That way when someone asks 'What do you want to get for equipment' you can have a pre-prepared shopping list :-)


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Awww man - I suspected you were at lvl 50 wreaking havoc!!! Great work mate. Sad you killed off your character :-(

Still, you've got a good bit of experience - and the thing is the next character you run to lvl 50 will happen faster and you can keep building on that experience. Come back soon mate - its worth it :-)

I see everyone is on the 'evil cleric for Valek drive' - meh. Clerics are OK - always wanted in groups, do sort of decently in PK (its VERY hard against (if not impossible) to overcome experienced and prepared players). The upside is you can get all the id's you want by finding other characters (usually melee's) to wander about with and id any eq you get. If you want a fast way to do it befriend lvl 50 melee's and don't take ANY eq on trips - say you're price is to id everything you guys get (the id spell can be cast on items on the ground so if they don't grab it when the mob dies you id it - helpful on items you can't hand about ;) ).

A dk is a great deal of fun but has hazards...ie less surivivable than a cleric. Nothing you wouldn't be up to IMHO. Scrolls allow for id collection and detect invis is a castable. I think these two plus the melee capability make a DK a far better 'learn PK and the realms' character than a cleric. A cleric will die less. A DK can kill far easier though - the trick is getting on the front foot...

For an easier time with a DK don't sweat on malform weapon at first. Yes, its VERY powerful but there is NOTHING to stop you from getting a some powerful weapons and just playing with the other skills and spells until your comfortable. Malforms suck at the start and you'll hurt yourself a lot. I know it sounds kind of stupid but I think you'd get a handle on PK better like this as you learn your other skills. There are relatively easy ways to get malforms once you get a bit more used to a DKs skill set.

Hope to see you soon.


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Dude! I've been playing for like...ten years or something retarded like that, and I've only ever had like 3 or 4 pinnacled characters. You are on the right track, believe me! Come back, and play something goofy, just to restore your faith in the game. PK is tough, any way you look at it, but you can't get better if you don't try.

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