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Are healers allowed to attack cabals and retrieve standards? I thought they were supposed to stay away from combat as much as possible.

Cabal members are bound to retrieve their standard - it doesn't mean they have to PK you in the process. Just stay out of their way :-P


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The last time I was caballed it had JUST been changed so that healers weren't allowed to take but only retrieve. They were not allowed to actively hunt you either. This was mainly due to the abuse of a few.

However, I have no idea at the present moment (not being caballed) - but you're best bet is to just KILL all healers on site. Caballed or not :cool:


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IF (and ONLY IF) what you said is the utter truth, then if he ever gets you and you note the IMMs I believe he's auto-OUTCASTED for killing someone.

Aggressive healers (at last count) weren't allowed. They aren't nearly so badass with no spells.

That being said - a lot is different now. I've read the forum for three days and I already have enough info to be able to name a 'hidden' character's qclass. I know the characters that about half a dozen other people play and can get specifics on how skills work (including stats) without any work or effort.

A lot has changed - so don't take my word for it. I'm probably just a relic of a bygone era.


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A lot of that is that you know what to look for from your experience, L-A.

Healers are to chill on the aggressive behavior. That being said, healers have a tough choice to make about cabal dedication and their strict RP.

Taking a standard may be aggressive, but it's aggressively killing PC's that's the big no-no (except their intentional enemy, undead). Best course of action is to defend and retrieve only, but that's up to the healer. I can't promise their won't be consequences, be they great or small, for the healer that is aggressively taking standards and killing PCs.

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Healers are my favorite class to play, well one of the top. I know i'm in the minority here and probably a loser for liking them. To me they are just fun. I was sure about not activly pking Players. My last healer was before I quit Alana, she was restrung cabal leader, and I had a blast RPing her. PK only undeads, NO others unless you can't avoid it. But one thing Healers ARE NOT. We are not a Search Engine for Items avalible for service 24/7. I have been alittle rude to a couple people just because i'll be trying to do something for the healer, such as Ressurect someone and i get multiple tells about can you locate this item? Do you sense this item anywhere in the lands. This veers alittle off topic but I would ask to take into consideration what a healer is when asking that stuff.

As for the actively pking, if they are doing it they'll get caught, they almost always do.

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I will post on this since I am infamous for my Healer chars, pretty much only chars I have played.

Awhile back, Raargant told the Healers in Knights that they were to stop sitting on their pansy arses and actually fight for the Cabal. Least the way I understood and took it. Normally, however, a healer defended but did not go aggressive. Retreiving their standard however, was a definite must and would get you kicked out if you didnt do it.

Avatar Healers: It is possible, but the RP behind it is very confusing and very strict. Avatar Healers have more or less taken on the power of Avatars to cleanse the world of Undeads. Not all evil but Undeads is a must.

Besides Cabal Warfare, which gives the healer a little more leeway in the PK department, Healers are still NON-PK for the most part. The only time they may actively hunt someone is if that person is been an undead.

Now considering I have played five healers, and only one was outcasted for breaking Healer RP in actively hunting someone, there are a few rules of thumb I generally go by.

Person A walks in and attacks you.

Person A flees to two rooms away.

Hell yes I am going to actively continue the fight. You have endangered my life as well as those around you. Big mistake one Syndicate made, and yelled at me for "breaking" healer PK rules. If you attack, feel free to get attacked back. If you are losing the battle and must flee, do not be stupid enough to stay at least in the same area as the healer. They can, are allowed to, and most likely will re-attack you. Three days later, the healer can not log in and go. Oh that guy attacked me in the past, I am going to go pk him!

Yes, Undeads do not fit this category, and are Open PK to healers if the healer so chooses.

As well remember rules are slightly altered for the Cabaled Healer, although they are still just as strict.

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I am waiting for a healer to choose the Mercy perk, so they can mercy their opponents and then preach to them instead of killing them. Now that would be interesting.

Just because you can't kill them doesn't mean you can't scare them off. With cabal warfare, if you are sitting there instead of them, it will take them a great deal longer to overtake an area, if they can at all.

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Not quite. What I told the SIGIL was that I wanted them to stop being pansy arses. I specifically said that healers were still bound by the rules of their guild, and that was between them and their guild.

It just so happens that all my Sigil were healers, is all :P. Think of the doctrine as a way to attract more Knights/Sigils.

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Avatar Healers: It is possible' date=' but the RP behind it is very confusing and very strict. [b']Avatar Healers have more or less taken on the power of Avatars to cleanse the world of Undeads. Not all evil but Undeads is a must.

No, they haven't. Healers in particular, not Avatar Healers, should attack and kill any undead thing. Avatar literally means 'Warrior of Light' and states that they are there to cleanse the world of 'Evil', not 'just' undead. Avatar Healer would break the healers RP either way, and IMHO, any Avatar Healer should be outcasted and some spells/skills lost so they CAN actively PK, due to their Avatar inheritance.

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No' date=' they haven't. Healers in particular, not Avatar Healers, should attack and kill any undead thing. Avatar literally means 'Warrior of Light' and states that they are there to cleanse the world of 'Evil', not 'just' undead. Avatar Healer would break the healers RP either way, and IMHO, any Avatar Healer should be outcasted and some spells/skills lost so they CAN actively PK, due to their Avatar inheritance.[/quote']

Good thing it is up to Irumeru huh? He has said it was ok and laid out the rules that they had to abide by I am sure, and thus, since he is the owner of the mud, makes the laws. :o

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But can they aggressively attack PC's while taking their enemies standard? That is what I really want to know.

I see no problem with it. Have done it myself. They must however balance out the Healer RP with the PK that will come with cabal warfare. Going out and slaughtering their enemy cabal members is IMO not ok. But taking Standards? Yes. At this time, they may have to defend themselves which is also ok.

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Ok. Scenario.

Healer goes to retreive Standard(this is acceptable last I heard) PC comes in and attacks them. They can defend.

Healer goes to steal standard (also acceptable last I heard) PC comes in and attacks them. They can defend/retaliate within bounds of Healer RP rules.

Please correct me if I am wrong. I played to many healers this way and have given advice per my experience to other healers that this was ok.

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I have heard many different opinions on the matter. Some IMMs say it's okay to go attack a cabal guard for a standard, some say it's only okay to defend your own cabal guard, some encourage you to go out and participate in cabal warfare. It's all a matter of the IMM who's currently on. I, however, have elected to never again make an attempt on an enemy cabal's guardian or an enemy cabal member. I have outcasted more healers than half the healer-players here combined. ;-)

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