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Ssalithar Rranslis


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Well..another failure in the hall of dissapointing characters. It was my fault really, thought I'd retire him before I brought furthur embarassment to him. Oh well, here lies the Doomblade that brought doom to himself in most situations.


| Ssalithar || the Doomblade |


| Str: 20(20) || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 22(92h) |

| Int: 17(17) || Class: blademaster Ethos: chaotic |

| Wis: 17(17) || Race : slith Align: evil |

| Dex: 22(22) || Hp : 856/856 Exp : 70223/625377 |

| Con: 18(18) || Mana : 475/475 |

\ Lck: [|||---] \/ Move : 414/414 +Hit: 4 +Dam: 6 /


| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Karalius |

| Slash : 25 || Spell : 0 || Faith : Combat |

| Pierce: 25 || Afflictive : 0 || Weight: 0/375 |

| Blunt : 25 || Maledictive: 0 || Items : 0/39 |

| Magic : 25 || Mental : 0 || Prac : 8 Train: 1 |

| Weapon: low || Pos: middle || Gold : 0 |


/ Condition: You are a bit worn out from your wounds. \

| Anatomy :Mob Human Elf Dwarf DemiHum Giant Beast Flying Uniqu |

| 27 90 60 19 45 110 45 36 14 |

| You are a ghost. |

| [WARMASTER] forces are aiding your feet and stamina. |


dagger 100 polearm 100 spear 103

sword 100 disarm 75 dodge 100

hand to hand 77 parry 100 trip 87

fast healing 90 haggle 77 lore 75

meditation 100 recall 100 blind fighting 85

counter 79 acupuncture 76 charge 85

dual parry 100 anatomy 100 double grip 100

balance 79 two handed 100 doublesheath 75

onslaught 100 chop 97 bladerush 89

backpin 80 pinwheel 78 critical strike 100

bladework 100 footwork 100 battle stance 97

avatar of steel 79 powerstrike 100 deathweaver 100

bladestorm 79 ironarm 75 Kyousanken 75

shadowdancer 84 doomsinger 78 kairishi 75

vigil 75 twin counter 80 predict 88

snakespeed 75 spellkiller 75 deathstrike 83

elf expert 100 giant expert 100 beast master 100

blood vow 92 battlesphere 85 battlefocus 91

battletrance 89

You have 8 practice sessions left.

You have mastered the following:

1. dagger

2. polearm

3. spear

4. sword

5. dodge

6. parry

7. meditation

8. recall

9. dual parry

10. anatomy

11. double grip

12. two handed

13. onslaught

14. critical strike

15. bladework

16. footwork

17. powerstrike

18. deathweaver

19. elf expert

20. giant expert

21. beast master

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