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umm..a few questions about this and that


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So.....haven't posted in a while and was working on my new project, and i'll get straight to the point

Question number 1: Can the command throw be used to "throw(object)" such as shuriken/card/dagger if your guy is not one of the classes that make those objects, ranger included?

Question number 2: If you buy a bow from the shop, or someone gets you a bow from the shop that says lvl 30 and you're below it...then when you wear it something around the lines of "not sure how to handle it properly" pops up, does that greatly affect your chances of hitting the target with the bow?

Question number 3: Didn't rangers use to have a range for fired weapons of 3 rooms even thought they weren't archers and archers got 7 rooms? I was pretty sure this was coded in once.....


Question number 4: Since there are only two races for monks, does that mean each one most likely has a special special something included? (i think humans have something right?)

I think that's it for now.....answer away please!

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Only one thing would be more sick than elven monks, Halfling monks.

The true training nightmare...:P

You are mistaking the adition of elven ninjas.

Anyway human monks are more ofensive, with half-elf more defensive.

But do you realy need a 250 half-elf + 300 monk xp penalty for your pk range ?

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