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Volatant Demon Dark Knight


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Usually demons are exceptionally harder to get. Liches' date=' I'm unsure. I spend almost 700 hours for mine (then again, I made a name for myself and RP'd and got to E in a Cabal while I was waiting..)[/quote']

Lol, did you even intend to go for a lich when you made Zaulael? I had the feeling you wanted to play a BMG then out of the sudden you decided to play a lich :P

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Lol' date=' did you even intend to go for a lich when you made Zaulael? I had the feeling you wanted to play a BMG then out of the sudden you decided to play a lich :P[/quote']

I made Zaulael with the intention to play a Lich, but when I hit 45 or so I got the okay to cabal join and figured, "what the heck, let's do this." Then I let RP shape my character into a power hungry freak that siphoned power from a different reality from a god named the 'Muse', or satan as we know him.

All in all, in the end, Zaulael was reduced to a burning rubble of ash and dust because his body couldn't sustain the power. I had fun :)

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Bleh..Zaulael wasn't scary as a bmg or lich! :P I thought Zenophobynt was much, much better personally...

As for Volatant...much too early. You go through characters almost as fast as Valek! It is slap in the face to yourself and to anyone you play with to not follow through with your character!

Even if you have a terrible PK record...who really cares? What is important is that you had fun doing it...and don't tell me you need a great PK record to have fun. Striving for that looks to have ruined a lot more characters than not judging from the delete threads.

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Even if you have a terrible PK record...who really cares? What is important is that you had fun doing it...and don't tell me you need a great PK record to have fun. Striving for that looks to have ruined a lot more characters than not judging from the delete threads.

No offense, but there comes a point where that's just the biggest load of bs I've ever heard. No one respects RP that can't be backed up by PK (no offense to any Heralds) or where you can't at least hold your own. And it's downright depressing not to.

It's easy to force that PK on someone. RP is more frustrating because you can't make anyone believe/do/etc....and if you can't find some way to force that on someone else it eventually becomes pointless.

Even if someone DOES like the RP, something as simple as cabal warfare, opposing aligmnets...etc...

Not saying Volatant sucked at PK. Just referring to the above comment in general, sorry if this was a derail.

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Well after a few days to think about it as well as some of your posts and advice I am going to give him a go to con death. I think the main reason I had thought to be done with him was the fact I dont want to go down in Fl history as having had the worst demon ever. Demons are sopposed to be feared not a walk through for noobs because I am unfamiliar witht he class. So after seeing Celereties and others posts I soppose I will not get any better with the class if I delete when crap gets rough. I just hated the fact dying the way I did after been having a hard time as of late with him anyway. Another reason to bring him back is I have a large amount of time vested in him with training and all, would be a waste to not finish this one out.

Thank you all for the support on this one because of the lot of you you have saved me from a big mistake. Besides who wants to go through chars as fast as Valek.:D

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