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I think this question would be best answered in the prayer forum. But, I can do my best to give you an idea -- if you broke RP, such as an evil minotaur, or an evil healer, or a good drow invoker, or something to that effect, things will be lost when outcasted.

Breaking ethos is also a way to lose skills.

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There are several forms of outcast.

If you apply for something and get outcasted when the application is accepted (rp outcast), you sometimes loose nothing at all, depending on what you apply for (unusual race-class combis usually do loose skills, if you rolled a lawful and apply for neutral or chaotic, but that choice would have been viable at creation, you might end up with an outcast without penalty, etc.)

If you get outcast for breaking ethos, or even worse, align, you will usually loose some skills as well.

As was already being said, this thread should best have been posted on the prayer forum.

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