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im gonna need a diet


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Absolutely no safe way to lose 80 lbs in 3 months. 15- 20 would be a better estimate. Don't just run. Lift weights.Compound movements. Increased lean muscle mass will create a higher metabolism which will burn fat when you are resting. Eat lots of small meals (5-6 throughout the day) of balanced and good food. Drink lots of water. Don't give up. Good luck!

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You cannot safely lose such weight in such a low time frame.

Stop eating so much quantity and start eating quality.

And start working out every weekday just after you wake up. This aids a lot.

I doubt you will be doing any sort of running, since you are 80lbs overweight, so start walking to school or work. Walking is great.

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Cottage cheese with sugar on it.

Tastes like cold lumpy gritty crap.

all energy low fat and thats breakfast

for lunch popcorn and water

Halfway through the whole day and no transfats

you can eat anything you want for Dinner, Anything

You WILL lose weight.

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cardio and diet. thats the only way. swim in the morning, run at lunch and swim after work. if you dont work get a gym membership or a job at a local gym so you can work out. when you're done with swimming come home and do p90x, make sure you hydrate well, mix a little sodium with the water (salt).

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Lol, funny advices, some good, some disasterous :P

First of all, diet does NOT mean hunger.

Diet is a way of life, diet is a right (healthy) way of eating. You don't do this for a month or two, you do this for life.

For a start, you need to eat a little and more often (not a lot and less frequent). For example, get a breakfast at 7. Some fruit (I prefer banannas but apples are good too) at 10. Lunch at 12. Another fruit at 3 and dinner at 6. Do not eat anything after 6 PM. This is perhaps the most important thing. Your metabolism slows down after 6 PM and everything you eat goes directly on your belly, *** and all the other fat places on your pathetic body.

Cardio is very important. No matter what everyone says, the fastest way to lose weight is running. The more you breathe while doing it, the better. Air is the thing that burns fatness.

If you wanna go even further, separate the carbohydrates from the proteins in your diet i.e. have 1 day on proteins, one day on carbohydrates. I will tell you from now, that if you want to lose that weight you need knowledge and will. There are also some very good food suplements which will help you burn fatness, things like L-carnitine.

Good luck. Losing such an amout of mass and not getting it back is not easy and requares a change in your lifestyle and that is a very hard undertakement.

PS. Almost forgot - as Mali said, drink a lot of water. 6 litres a day is a good start. Be careful that will make you pee a lot. A lot and very often :)

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You cannot safely lose such weight in such a low time frame.

I doubt you will be doing any sort of running, since you are 80lbs overweight, so start walking to school or work. Walking is great.

Mya im overweight according to what the military charts say about my height. im in decent shape and just ran a 5k. I can run and for quite some time.

As to everyone else thanks for the suggestions and im already drinking only water and a lot of it.

Also im trying to avoid gaining muscle (so p90x is sorta outa the ?) because if i do ill still end up weighing more then i should. They actually told me to go straight cardio and run as much as possible and go on a diet. considering i have no knowledge about dieting its the problem.

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You must be some sort of Dwarf.

80 lbs = 30 Kgs.

A male weights 70-80 kg. You must weight 100-120 kg.

You better be a walking closet.

Anyway... if you can run 5k (5 kilometers), then get some decent running shoes and run it 3 times a week.

And next time the military weight you remind to remove the Red Dragon armor from your body. :P

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Mya im overweight according to what the military charts say about my height. im in decent shape and just ran a 5k. I can run and for quite some time.

As to everyone else thanks for the suggestions and im already drinking only water and a lot of it.

Also im trying to avoid gaining muscle (so p90x is sorta outa the ?) because if i do ill still end up weighing more then i should. They actually told me to go straight cardio and run as much as possible and go on a diet. considering i have no knowledge about dieting its the problem.

lol which is exactly what i said, I'm in the military i've seen thousands of people loose this much weight in the required time. It's all mental, eating small portions and willpower and most importantly cardio. (edit: and losing dangerous amounts of weight for the military's benefit because you weren't born in a "well to do" family.)

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You must be some sort of Dwarf.

80 lbs = 30 Kgs.

A male weights 70-80 kg. You must weight 100-120 kg.

You better be a walking closet.

Anyway... if you can run 5k (5 kilometers), then get some decent running shoes and run it 3 times a week.

And next time the military weight you remind to remove the Red Dragon armor from your body. :P

I weigh about 120kgs, and I can run between 4-5 kilometers ;p

I don't know any 6'8 males that weigh 70-80kgs, either.

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and losing dangerous amounts of weight for the military's benefit

Military needs healthy soldiers, not ones with damaged organs from irresponsible weight loss programs.


Mya, your posts are not polite and you should make your point in a more productive manner.

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You guys have clearly never done highschool wrestling. (Likely for good reason as being branded a homosexual for the rest of highschool [and even farther if you still know people from there] can be kind of debilitating)

You show me these people and we'll show them what a crossface feels like when they're in the down position. :mad:

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What I mean is that I do not understand how they call you Overweight.

But I also do not know what is your Weight/Height. Or BMI.

My mental image of DragonForger is pretty strange... think of a Giant Glimli.

I think the idea of losing 80 lbs is going to be very bad for your health. And I do not like it.

I approve this idea, because as I assume that (as most people who try to lose weight) you will fall short of your objective (80 lbs). But you will learn the discipline of eating healthy and exercise.

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Im six feet and 2 inches tall and weigh 288 pounds.

The military says that apparently a male of my height must weigh 208 pounds.

I agree with you mya that it doesnt make since im physically fine except for my weight. As far as my bmi I do not know what it is. I feel that if i lose this weight I will end up looking like a starved dog or a meth addict where you can see my rib cage and everything. Also mya my father didnt believe me either when I told him that it actually took bringing him with me to the doctors office to prove it. My doctor says im fine. She to also stated that losing that much weight in that amount of time could be extremely dangerous if im not careful.

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208 lbs at 6 foot 2 inches will not make you look like a starved dog. At 288 you are overweight unless it is all muscle, which is probably isn't. I am 6 foot 1 and I weigh 170lbs, I could stand to put on a few pounds, but I am not at all skinny or even weak, I just happen to have a BMI of about 6.8%.

The best advice I can give you is balance cardio with muscle building. Even though muscles add weight by being heavier than fat, they also have "upkeep". Each pound of muscle on your body will burn calories just to exist. So if you gain 5 pounds of muscle that could translate into losing 25 pounds of fat. (not exact numbers, but so you get the idea). Avoid too many carbs, if you don't burn them off they turn to sugar, then fat. Likely your body has enough fat stored to burn off, so you don't need the "energy" to excercize, just the will.

Also, make a plan and stick to it, even if you don't see immediate results. The first week you might not lose much, but the next could be a major drop in poundage. Try and do whole body muscle firing cardio, running is good but it does nothing for you north of the core. I'd try kickboxing for example. Long distance running is great for overall health or losing weight in the long run, but sounds like you need explosive workouts. Try doing lots of short sprints instead of one long run a day. Using stairs is great, or run up hills if you don't have access to a good staircase. Pushups, jump tucks, the plank, bicycle crunches are all good. If you are desperate you could try some fat burning pills to supplimen your excersize, but I don't know how healthy that stuff is.

Good Luck! The first 40 pounds will prolly shed more easily than the second 40, but you can do it.

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You BMI Dragon is 37, which is pretty step.

For example 208 lbs at 6 foot 2 inches makes 26.7 BMI.

Rectum 6 foot 1 and I weigh 170lbs, makes him a 22.4.

Mine is 21.7.

Did you ever do Judo or the the sort of high impact sports ? Cause a higher density bones could explain a bit.

Your doctor is quite right.

Lots of polluents are stored in fat. When you burn the fat they enter your blood stream. Massive doses in a low time frame can harm your system.

Then there is the problem of internal organs suport. As you remove the fat, the internal organs lose their support without time to adapt.

If you are young, I would consider taking a full year to drop the weight.

And be certain that you wish to enter home guard.


BMI Categories:

* Underweight = <18.5

* Normal weight = 18.5-24.9

* Overweight = 25-29.9

* Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

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You show me these people and we'll show them what a crossface feels like when they're in the down position. :mad:

I wrestled for 6 years, went to state 3 times, fell short of placing at state all three. I wrestled dual classes. 215, and heavy. The only people who ever thought about calling me a fag, are the basketball kids. But really, My sport I was there to hurt and maim a single opponent. They play on a team whos goal is to dribble balls, and "drive it in the hole". You wanna call me gay, you might be captain of the basketball team, I still ****ed your sister while you dribbled balls.

For weight loss: Do not go dehydration route. That leads only to organ failure. What you need to do is strenious cardio, combined with a very lean, low low low carb diet. I suggest chef salads with light dressing. I realize 3 months of rabbit food sucks, but if you are serious you will be fine. Focus on repetitive workouts that are high calorie burners (riding bikes uphill, or rowing machines, or exercise bikes) on moderate to hard difficulties. I recommend moderate difficulties. In the offseason for high school I was so hardcore about my physical shape that I would do all nighters at golds gym twice a week, all I did was ride a bike, and watch 2-3 movies on their big screen. STAY HYDRATED. It is better to take a few drinks every few minutes, than to dehydrate yourself and crush 64oz all at once. Another thing NO ****ING SWEAT SUITS, these things advertise extreme weight loss. Great right? Wrong. They SEVERELY dehydrate you. the ONLY way I would recommend this is if your a few pounds over the day of weigh in, you toss it on, jog a few blocks, take it off. If you use this as a work out tool you will cause yourself severe harm.

My personal methods involved Acai berries (I used this **** 10 years ago) in a low cal smoothie. Then I would do 45 min on bike, 30 min on rows, 15 min on treadmill, then a shower. You can replace rows with a stair climber, or any other full body aerobic, I just like to do rows since it works several muscle groups, and can be done for long periods of time. Just be safe about your workouts.

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What I mean is that I do not understand how they call you

I think the idea of losing 80 lbs is going to be very bad for your health. And I do not like it.

I approve this idea, because as I assume that (as most people who try to lose weight) you will fall short of your objective (80 lbs). But you will learn the discipline of eating healthy and exercise.

the problem is the military doesn't care at all. you either lose 80 or yo don't get in if you walk in 79 lbs lost, they will show you the door, i've seen that happen alot as well. They just kicked 40,000 people out of the Air Force to trim down. They wont take anyone who doesnt meet their regs. no exceptions. thats whate i cant stand about the military and Mali you're right. their program is very dangerous but unfortunately the economy is down and they can get away with it because people dont have jobs.

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