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Why Ogres Blow...Hard


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I'm in a group, just rez'd and watch..


You drop 6777 gold coins.

You get 6777 gold coins.

You split 6777 gold coins. Your share is 3389 gold coins.

UberHalfling wears a gleaming steel bracer adorned with a used match around his right wrist.

UberHalfling wears a clay shield as a shield.

You say 'SSshaooOoT..'

A flame walks east.

You say 'HaNd mmEh 3514?'

You say '6053...'

You say 'WOoah...'

UberHalfling says 'Huh'

You say '9436 oOof ThhoosSze cjoinNnsSs aRe mMine.'

You say '6953'

You say '8..'

You say 'ArGgghH!'

The day has begun.

You say '6586..'

You say '0908.'

You say '8831.'

You say '6200.'

UberHalfling says '3388'

UberHalfling falls down laughing.

You snort derisively.

You say 'RidicjuhhlouZSs..'

UberHalfling gives you 3388 gold.

UberHalfling falls down laughing.

You nod.

You say 'ThHaonk you.'

UberHalfling says 'Oh that was so funny'

UberHalfling says 'Your welcome'

The sun rises in the east.

UberHalfling says 'My brain is laughing still'


I can't even say the number 3 right! It came out 8!

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I've had my old bard sing "Share the loot or I'll give you a boot up your toot."

It's safe to say that after the laughter subsided, I was still penniless. :(

But as for retrieving gold from corpses and whatnot, I've hunted once, tanker died, came and retrieved his wad of cash from the corpses and autosplit it. The other just says, "Hey, thanks for the gift. Much appreciated.". Then when he asked for his gold back, the other who retrieved 1/3 lectured him on being an indian-giver. :D


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